

毛群英 等编著 复旦大学出版社





毛群英 等编著  






随着全球经济的发展和市场化的运作,英语作为国际商务用语变得尤为重要。为跟上时代的节奏,满足日益发达的经济和社会发展的需要,我们与时俱进地编写了这本《新编商务英语阅读教程》,以便服务于复合型国际商务专业人才的培养。本教材精选了当今著名报纸、杂志、网站和学术刊物中与商务有关的文章,并进行了精心编排,共计十二章,涉及国际贸易、金融、会计、税务、商务沟通、经济学、市场营销、电子商务、工商管理等专业方向。课后配备具有针对性的练习,使读者能够进一步提高阅读和分析能力,并帮助读者从不同的侧面了解国际商务知识,追踪当今世界经贸领域的最新动态,开阔视野,扩展知识面。本教程适合的教学对象主要是已经完成了基础阶段学习的普通高校商务英语专业以及对外贸易、财政金融、工商管理、会计、电子商务、市场营销等专业的学生,也可供从事外经贸工作的商务人员以及具有相应水平的自学者使用。随着国际商务的不断发展,我们还将对本教材进行补充和修改,以满足读者更高的要求和需要。 从编辑体例而言,每章包括如下内容:课文、注释、词汇、专业术语、练习和补充阅读。练习的形式多种多样,包括结合课文回答问题、词汇搭配、中英文翻译、完形填空、阅读理解等,针对性强,且题量较大,可供读者灵活掌握使用。 《新编商务英语阅读教程》是国家教育部211工程项目课程建设成果。本教程的编写者都是从事商务英语教学的一线教师,具有多年丰富的教学经验和极强的敬业精神。


Chapter 1 Economics (经济学) Text: Four Basic Market Structures Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: The Turning PointChapter 2 International Trade (国际贸易)  Text: Gains from Trade and Regional Agreements Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Defrosting DohaChapter 3 International Finance (国际金融学) Text: Exchange Rate Theory Review: Policy Implications Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: East Asia's Foreign Exchange Rate PoliciesChapter 4 Banking (货币银行学) Text: Natural and Neutral Rates of Interest in Theory and Policy Formulation Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Norwegian Financial InstitutionsChapter 5 Investment (投资学)  Text: Information and the Efficiency of the Capital Markets Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Sub?prime Mortgage Crisis in USAChapter 6 Insurance (保险学) Text: Insurance in Theory Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Explanations for Poor Performance of InsuranceChapter 7 Taxation (税收) Text: Income Tax Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: How Many Types and Acquisition Channels of Individual Income Tax Payment Receipts?Chapter 8 Management (管理学) Text: Functions of Managements Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: The ChallengersChapter 9 Marketing (营销学) Text: What is Marketing Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: The Legacy That Got Left on The ShelfChapter 10 Accounting (会计学) Text: Accounting Information Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Global Accounting Effort Gains A StepChapter 11 International Business(国际商务) Text: Globalization Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: The Globalization of the Small EnterpriseChapter 12 Business Communication (商务沟通) Text: Business Communication Notes Words & Expressions Special Terms Exercises Supplementary Reading: Are Your Global Team Members Miles Apart?References (课外阅读参考)


  International Trade(国际贸易)  Gains frOm Trade and Regional Agreements  In the earlier chapter we suggested that trade brings gains to a country,but at the same time,there are both winners and losers. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem made that especially clear.In the Heckscher-Ohlin model the abundant factor gains from trade (through the rise in the relative export price increasing the real return to that factor,used intensively in exports),while the scarce factor loses from trade(through the faU in the relative import price lowering the real return to that factor).Can we be sure that the gains always exceed the losses?That iS the topic of this chapter.  We begin with a discussion of“lump sum transfers”.whereby the government has the ability to tax the gainers and transfer income to the losers,without changing their behavior in the process.That iS,the lump sum transfers are assumed to be non. distorting.We show that it is indeed possible to achieve ParetoE33 gains from trade,i.e.,a situation where everyone gains.





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