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高等职业技术学院商贸英语专业是我国高等职业教育特色专业之一,着力培养同当今时代要求相适应的高素质的劳动者和商贸行业所需要的实用型人才。为了适应我国高等职业学院商贸英语专业的实际教学需要,为更好地培养出商贸业第一线应用型人才,我们专门编著了这本《商贸英语写作教程》作为本专业的写作教材。编著前,作者们详细地听取了有关本科院校和高职学院商贸英语专业一线教师的意见,为写作提供了宝贵的理论与实践依据。本书具有以下特点: 一、精选的内容具有实用性,涵盖:商贸英语信函的设计、商贸英语信函的写作原则、商贸英语信函种类、如何建立贸易关系、请柬、普通公文、广告、通告、公告、通知、求职信、简历、招聘、名片、启事、证书等。这些都是生活中用得上的知识,充分体现了“教材内容符合实际需要的原则”。 二、写作的内容重点主要有三个部分:突出写作要点,列出实例,设计练习。由此可见,全书内容突出理论与实践相结合,以理论指导写作实践的编写精神。 三、全书虽然是英文版本,但考虑到高职学生的英文基础这种实际情况,作者尽量做到英文文字表达浅显易懂,最大限度地减少生词量,且为了让学生学习方便,在每个章节后面都注出NewWordsandExpressions。 四、实例和练习的选材尽量做到贴近实用,贴近生活,让学生看得懂、学得进、易掌握。这能激发学生的学习积极性,提高学习效果。 五、从教学课时的实际出发,采用简洁的体例,使教师便于教学,学生便于学习。对书的内容进行了反复地筛选、精心地提炼,其内容实用有效。 六、练习内容为教师实例讲解、学生亲笔实践提供了丰富的内容和活动空间。 七、练习答案与课本分开,另行成册,这样便于教师教学,也便于学生发挥独立思考的能力。 这本全英文版的《商贸英语写作教程》的编写,迄今为止,在高职技术学院的教材中尚属首例,它有利于学生运用英语思维去进行英文写作,有利于学生尽快地提高英文水平。 本书在写作过程中,得到了有关院校外语系的大力支持和帮助,并由东南大学外国语学院梁为祥教授担任总主编,李刚副教授担任第二总主编,使本书得以顺利出版。在此要感谢复旦大学出版社施胜今副编审的大力支持。由于时间仓促,加之水平有限,疏忽和不足在所难免,希望广大教师和读者多提宝贵意见,以利今后修正与完善。
Chapter One Writing of Business Letters (商贸信函写作)Section 1 Writing Principles of Business Letters (商贸信函写作原则)1. Functions of Business Writing (商贸写作功能)2. Principles for Effective Business Writing (商贸写作有效原则)3. Adapting to Modern Changes in Business Writing (商贸写作适应现代的变化)4. Suggestions for Writing Techniques (写作技巧建议)5. Basic Patterns of Business Writing (商贸写作基本模式)Section 2 Layout of Business Letters (商贸信函设计)1. Letter Structures and Placement (信函结构)2. Format of a Business Letter (商贸信函格式)3. Envelope Addressing (信封地址)Chapter Two Establishment of Business Relations (建立商贸联系)1. Seeking New Trade Companions (寻求新的贸易伙伴)2. Introduction of Export Commodities (出口商品介绍)3. Proposing Exporting Business (主动联系出口业务)4. Transmitting Business Relations (转办业务关系)5. Sales (推销)Chapter Three Letter Kinds (信函的种类)1. Main Points of Applying a Trade (申请交易的要点)2. Inquiry (询盘)3. Offer (报盘)4. Counter Offer (还价)5. A Letter of Acceptance (承诺函)6. A Letter of Order (订货函)7. Accepting a Letter of Order (接受订单)8. Insurance (保险)9. Shipment (装运)10. Payment (支付)11. Claim (索赔)12. Settlement of a Claim (同意理赔)13. Agency (代理)14. Sales Promotion (促销)Chapter Four Invitation (请柬)1. Luncheon and Supper Invitation and Acknowledgement (午宴、晚宴的请柬及回柬)2. Party Invitation and Acknowledgement (聚会请柬及回柬)3. Dance Invitation and Acknowledgement (舞会请柬及回柬)4. An Invitation of a Wedding (婚礼请柬)5. An Invitation of an Export Commodities Fair (出口商品交易会请柬)6. An Invitation of the Ceremony of the Founding of the Institute (邀请参加校庆典礼的请柬)7. An Invitation of an Inauguration of an Industrial Exhibition (邀请参加工业展览会的请柬)Chapter Five Ordinary Official Document (普通公文)Section 1 Format of Contract (合同格式)Section 2 Memorandums (备忘录)1. Notification Memo (通知函)2. Policy Memo (政策函)3. Recommendation Memo (建议函)Section 3 A Letter of Introduction (介绍信)Chapter Six Advertisement (广告)1. Inquiries about Advertising (询登广告)2. Recommending Business Lines or Services on the Paper (业务介绍)Chapter Seven Notice and Proclamation (通知、通告)Section 1 Notice (通知)1. Business Notice (商业通告)2. Notice of Change of Name (更名通告)3. Relocation Notice (迁址通告)4. Opening Notice (开业通告)5. Notice of Invitation for Bids (招标通告)6. Notice of Opening an Exhibition (举办展览会通告)Section 2 Ordinary Notice (普通通知)1. An Ordinary Notice (普通通知)2. Notice about a Report Meeting (举办报告会通知)3. Meeting Notice (召开会议通知)4. Notice of an Open Class (举行公开课通知)5. Notice about a Visit (参观活动通知)Section 3 Notices (公告)1. Lost (遗失启事)2. Found (招领启事)3. Corrections (更正启事)4. Notice of Soliciting Opinions from the Readers (征求意见通知)5. Receptionists Wanted (招聘接待员)6. Bewaring of Imitation (警告假冒)Section 4 Proclamation (公告)1. Proclamation of Election Results (选举结果公告)2. Press Communique (新闻公告)3. Proclamation of Appointment (任命公告)Chapter Eight A Letter of Applying for a Job, Resume and Visiting Cards (求职信、简历和名片)Section 1 Letters of Applying for a Job (求职信)Section 2 Resume (简历)1. Resume of Applying for a Job (求职简历)2. Resume in Functional Format (功能式简历)3. English Personal Details for Application (英文申请表个人信息)Section 3 Certificate and Letters of Recommendation (证书与推荐信)1. Resume Certificate (简历证书)2. Schooling Record Certificate (学历证书)3. Graduation Certificate (毕业证书)4. Letters of Recommendation (推荐信)Section 4 Cards (名片)1. Ordinary Cards (普通名片)2. Greeting Cards (贺卡)3. Cards with Accompanying Gift (赠物卡片)参考答案
Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of December 15 and regret that our counteroffer was refused. As your product "bed sheets" are very much appreciated to our local customers and there is high demand at our market, we are very desirous of concluding this transaction with you, for the purpose of strengthening our friendship and cooperation, we agree to accept your offer. Bed Sheets US $19.99 per piece CIF Vancouver with an order of 500 dozen. We are very much pleased to have been able to transact this order with you after exchanging letters in the past two months and we are now looking forward to your sales confirmation for this order so as to enable us to open the L/C duly. As your make is comparatively famous here, the sales will be somewhat quicker. If this initial order is executed satisfactorily, we shall be able to place repeat orders with you soon.