《英文原著选读》根据多年教学经验,在自编讲义和教材的基础上修订而成,曾供复旦大学非英语专业研究生英语指定选修课程使用。该课程旨在通过原著选读使得研究生对英文经典作品和作者有一定的了解,从语言基本技能训练过渡到专业和语言文化交流,为提高研究生的自主创新能力提供扎实的语言技能和人文修养基础。 本书所选的英文作品属于西方文明资源宝库中的语言文化精品,选文题材包括新闻、传记、散文、书信、戏剧、小说、科普和学术作品等,内容涉及文学、哲学、教育、政治、经济、生物、自然环境等学科。选读这些原著作品可以引导读者关注经典文本阅读和阐释,培养阅读、理解和欣赏原著作品的方法、信心和能力,提高审美情趣和文化修养。 其次,原著选文风格独特,观点创新,感情丰富,表达灵活,可读性非常强。一方面有助于读者扩大阅读量和词汇量,积累英语语感体验和感悟,发展英语语言知识和综合语言能力;另一方面,还可以展示语言的思想文化内涵,激发感情、想象力、创新灵气和思辨能力,培养创新思维能力。 再次,语言是各民族认知和阐释世界的一个意义体系和价值体系,英语是一种体现英语民族文明、思维信仰、价值观念、心理特征和行为方式的文化现象。
SynopsisPreface1. Of Studies2. Robinson Crusoe3. Letter to His Son about Letter Writing4. To the Countess of Bute5. Letter to Lord Chesterfield6. The Wealth of Nations7. An Essay on the Principle of Population8. Pride and Prejudice9. Rip Van Winkle10. Nature11. Walden (or Life in the Woods)12. On the Origin of Species13. The Idea of a University14. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer15. Love of Life16. Pygmalion17. Inaugural Address18. Silent Spring19. The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell20. A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black HolesReferencesAfterwordAbout the Compiler
It is the common error of builders and parentsto follow some plan they think beautiful (and perhaps isso), without considering that nothing is beautiful that isdisplaced. Hence we see so many edifices raised that theraisers can never inhabit, being too large for their fortunes.Vistas are laid open over barren heaths, and apartmentscontrived for a coolness very agreeable in Italy, but killingin the north of Britain: thus every woman endeavoursto breed her daughter a fine lady, qualifying her for astation in which she will never appear, and at the sametime incapacitating her for that retirement to which sheis destined. Learning, if she has a real taste for it, will notonly make her contented, but happy in it. No entertainmentis so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. Shewill not want new fashions, nor regret the loss of expensivediversions, or variety of company, if she can be amusedwith an author in her closet. To render this amusementextensive, she should be permitted to learn the languages.I have heard it lamented that boys lose so many years inmere learning of words: this is no objection to a girl,, whosetime is not so precious: she cannot advance herself in anyprofession, and has therefore more hours to spare; and asyou say her memory is good, she will be very agreeablyemployed this way. There are two cautions to be given on this subject:first, not to think herself learned when she can readLatin, or even Greek. Languages are more properly tobe called vehicles of learning than learning itself, asmay be observed in many schoolmasters, who, thoughperhaps critics in grammar, are the most ignorant fellowsupon earth. ……