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  《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材·21世纪大学实用英语(U版):视听说教程1(教学参考书)》共8个单元,每个单元均与“学生用书”的内容完全呼应,涵盖其全部内容,并在相应的地方提供教学目标、视听材料原文和练习参考答案,且所有增加内容均用彩色标出,同时用S-X明这些内容在学生用书中的页码,以方便教师使用。  《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程》(U版)是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《21世纪大学实用英语》(U版)系列教材中的一种,根据《大学英语课程教学要求》设计和编写,旨在通过真实而有时代气息的场景、地道而又生动的语言、实用而又丰富的知识、多样而又活泼的练习提高学生的英语听说能力。本教程包括“学生用书”和“教学参考书”(每种分为基础级和1-3册)及配套的音带、多媒体课件和网络课程等,供高等院校普通英语教学使用。  本教程在编写设计上充分体现学生在教学过程中的主体地位和教师的引导作用,选材全面、真实,听、说技能训练紧密契合,题材生动、体裁丰富、语言材料多样。




Unit 1 Expressing Surprise at Meeting Someone UnexpectedlyLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: What a Surprise Meeting You Here!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 2 Stating That You Have Been BusyLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: I Dont Even Have Time to Breathe!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 3 Expressing Personal InterestsLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: Im More Interested in Outdoor Activities!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 4 Stating that You Understand and Making Sure You Are UnderstoodLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: You Know What I Mean?Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 5 Stating Your Agreement and ConcurrenceLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: I Couldnt Agree with You More!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 6 Stating Your DisagreementLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: I Dont Buy that Story at All!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 7 Expressing Acceptance or RefusalLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: Im All for It!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 8 Asking Someone to Get to the Point and Speak PlainlyLead.inSection One Watching.Listening&SpeakingVideo Episode:Get to the Point!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for Fun《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程教学参考书》(U版)(1)光盘使用说明


  Erin:And what if you cant rap a lyric or dribble a ball?  Boy A: It aint this. I know that much.  Boy B: Damn fight.  Erin:And you all think youre gonna make it to graduation like this?  Boy A: I made it to high school. Aint nobody stopped me.  Boy B : Lady, Im lucky if I make it to 18. We in a war. Were graduatingevery day we live because we aint afraid to die protecting our own.At least when you die for your own, you die with respect, you die awarrior.  Students: Thats fight.  Erin:So when youre dead, you will get respect? Is that what you think?Students: Thats fight. Thats right. Yeah. Yeah.  Erin:You know whats gonna happen when you die? Youre gonna rot inthe ground. And people are gonna go on living and theyre gonnaforget all about you. And when you rot, do you think its gonnamatter whether you were an original gangster? Youre dead. And no-body, nobody is gonna wanna remember you, because all you leftbehind in this world is this. Youre raising your hand?  ......




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