徐小贞,邹渝刚 编
《前景实用英语》系列教材是深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院与复旦大学出版社的最新合作成果。教材编写组成员均来自国家级教学团队,参与完成了第一批国家示范性建设项目,目前正积极投身于方兴未艾的职业英语改革。因此,本系列教材从选材到体例均融人了高职高专英语教学改革的最新理念。 本系列教材包括《综合教程》、《教学参考书》、《自主练习》、《视听说教程》和《视听说教学参考书》各三册,以及配套光盘,内容涵盖《高职高专英语教学基本要求》所涉及的英语听、说、读、写、译等基本技能以及实用阅读和实用写作的内容。一、编写原则 1.语言技能与职业素养并重 本系列教材根据高职高专生源的现实,采用先基础英语后职业英语(即“基础英语+职业英语’)的阶梯式布局,兼顾英语基本技能的训练和职业素养的提升。 第一册‘身在校园”关注高职高专学生的校园生活; 第二册‘放眼世界’面向象牙塔外的社会万象,两册内容均以英语基础训练为主,学习者的角色定位是在校学生; 第三册“初涉职唱”则以高职高专学生的实习和就业为大背景,着力提升学习者的职业英语能力。 ……
《“复旦卓越”高职高专公共英语教材:前景实用英语自主练习3》内容涵盖《高职高专英语教学基本要求》所涉及的英语听、说、读、写、译等基本技能以及实用阅读和实用写作的内容。 《“复旦卓越”高职高专公共英语教材:前景实用英语自主练习3》以知识、文化与素质为核心,强化教材的教育功能,避免陷入“为英语而英语”的误区。同时也注重提高学生应对应用能力考试、商务英语考试和职业英语考试等能力
1 InternshipsⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises2 Entertaining ClientsⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises3 On-the-Job TrainingⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises4 Sports in the WorkplaceⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises5 Office TechnologiesⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises6 Low-carbon OfficeⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises7 Work EtiquettesⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended Exercises8 Getting a Real JobⅠ.ReviewⅡ.Extended ExercisesKeys and Answers
Task 2 Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question. Passage 1 A major study, conducted by the Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC), was recently published. It assesses the impact of sporting success and failure on the UK workplace. The results reveal that sport - and conversations between staff and customers, managers and staff, men and women - can have a positive impact on boosting morale and improving mood, motivation and productivity in the working environment. 63% of men and 52% of women said that sporting success (i.e. their team winning) has an impact on their approach to work. 47% women and 40% of men said that sporting success lifts their mood and makes them more productive in their jobs. A fifth of men said sport increases their motivation at work compared to 12% of women. Only 3% said that sporting success is distracting and makes them less productive. The forthcorrung football World Cup is an example of one such sporting event which is expected to have a major impact on the working world. 70% of men and 62% of women residents in England said that it will have an impact on their working lives - by boosting morale if the team does well, creating a team spirit and providing an environment for social inclusion. Other major events, such as Wimbledon, the Ashes, and the Rugby World Cup, have and will continue to act as catalysts for communication and bonding. Moreover, it is not just set-piece sporting events that trigger such positive responses amongst employees and their customers; day in, day out, "talking sport" is a way of breaking down barriers.It can make or break a sale or the relationship between a manager and his/her team. In fact, sport enhances creativity and pfomotes sharing of ideas. So what can businesses do to harness the positive effects produced by sport in the workplace on a daily basis in order to reap the substantial benefits of higher morale and team spirit evoked by such tournaments? Almost three-quarters of men (71%) and 68% of women said that employers and employees can learn valuable lessons from sport: The value of working as a team; identifying and influencing what makes a good team player; the importance of commitment and dedication; the importance of collective responsibility; how talents can be developed and performance maximised; and the value of individual flair and creatvity. Sport can teach managers about the importance of thinking creatively and reflect the skills that make a good manager. ……