

梁正溜 复旦大学出版社











Unit One You Have a Pretty Smile!Section One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Two What Do You Think?Section One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Three That's AwesomeSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Four Tell Me You're JokingSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Five Don't Get Me WrongSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Six I Bet You WhatSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Seven I Never UnderstoodSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral PresentationUnit Eight Which MeansSection One Lead-inSection Two Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Three Cultural AssimilationSection Four Further Watching, Listening & SpeakingSection Five Making an Oral Presentation


  Frank: Hey, hey.., you okay?  Brenda: He told me to pick up the blood, so I did, but he never told me to label it.  Frank: Hey, it's okay. Stop crying. What's your name?  Brenda: Brenda.  Frank: Brenda. Brenda, I wouldn't worry about it. You know, these doctors, you know, they don't know everything.  Brenda: It's my first week. And I think they're going to fire me.  Frank: No, no, nobody's going to fire you, Brenda.  Brenda: No, I'm not.  Frank: Yeah, I bet if I asked you to check on the status of my friend Lance Applebaum, you could do that for me in a second.  Brenda: Mr. Applebaum fractured his ankle. Dr. Ashland is treating him in exam room seven.  Frank: You see that? No problem.  Brenda: This is the emergency chart. See that blue star there? That means that the patient has been diagnosed. And then,after he's been treated, we put a red circle here, see?  Frank: How do you like these braces?  Brenda: I guess they're all right.  Frank: I got mine off last year. Boy, I hated them. They were bottoms. You know, I still got to wear my mouth guard.  ……




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