王兰英,王玉安 编
Unit One CytologySection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage l Cell Structure and Cellular Transport MechanismsPassage 2 Cell InjuryPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Two Body Temperature and MetabolismSection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 Body Temperature and MetabolismPassage 2 Fever of Unknown OriginPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Three The Cardiovascular SystemSection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 The HeartPassage 2 Heart DiseasePassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Four Human PhysiologySection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 Introduction of PhysiologyPassage 2 HypoxiaPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Five Stress and DiseasesSection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 StressPassage 2 Effects of AgingPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Six General PathologySection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 Introduction of General PathologyPassage 2 AIDS & Other Virus Infections of Immune SystemPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Seven The Respiratory SystemSection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 Pathophysiology of BronchiectasisPassage 2 Alternations of Pulmonary FunctionPassage 3 Medical ConversationUnit Eight Tumor ImmunologySection A: Medical TerminologySection B: ReadingsPassage 1 Mechanism of Tumor ImmunologyPassage 2 ImmunotherapyPassage 3 Medical ConversationAppendixⅠ GlossaryⅡ Medical Abbreviations