进入21世纪,伴随着中国对外开放的深入和全球经济一‘体化的到来,中国企业的机遇与挑战也相伴而来。一方面,中国企业的市场范围扩展到全球范围;另一方面,中国企业要面临国内外对手的激烈竞争。企业生存环境的变化引发了对外语人才需求的变化。越来越多的企业需要的外语人才不仅要精通语言与文化,亦要掌握某一领域的专业知识。 为迎接挑战,近年来国内许多高校纷纷开设双语教学课,并使用国外原版教材,但这引发了如下问题,即,大多数国外原版教材的视角与商务环境是美国,案例分析也多来自美国,教材内容与中国商务与文化环境并不相符,这极大影响了学习的效率与效果。 基于2l世纪中国外语教学和对外经贸工作的迫切需要,我们编写并出版了这套“2l世纪商务英语系列教材”。先期出版10本,即《国际金融英语》、《会计英语》、《物流英语》、《跨文化商务交际(英文版)》、《市场营销英语》、《国际商务翻译》、《求职英语》、《国际商务(英文版)》、《经贸英语阅读》、《组织行为学(英文版)》。我们编写本套教材的宗旨是为中国经济建设和改革开放培养高水平的“外语+专业”的复合型人才。本系列教材的内容力求反映中国经济特点,坚持理论与实践相结合,主要体现以下几个特点: 1.理论全面性与前瞻性兼备。本系列教材在参考国内外最新科研成果的基础上,大量吸收相关学术领域的前沿理论。同时,本系列教材亦强调理论框架的完整性和全面性。
随着市场经济的发展,各行各业都在发掘新的利润源泉,物流和供应链管理得到了越来越多的关注。人们开始要求了解物流的概念,学习物流的管理方法;企业纷纷设立物流部门;第三方和第四方物流蓬勃兴起;国际物流也随着全球化发展进入了新的阶段。 由于英文原版物流专业教材的理论性较强,对于刚接触物流的入门读者来讲比较深奥难懂或者存在语言障碍。本书以深入浅出的英语语言全面介绍了现代物流理论和供应链管理的基础概念和基本环节,辅以丰富生动的图示照片、具体详实的图表,旨在为中国读者搭起一座与原版教材之间的桥梁,提供一本英文版的物流及供应链管理的入门读物。简言之,它可以为有一定英语基础的读者提供学习物流知识的渠道,为有贸易、运输、管理相关背景的读者提供进修英语的平台。
Unit 1 An Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Unit 2 Customer Service and Logistics Unit 3 Purchasing and Supplier Management Unit 4 New Logistics Trends in Materials Management Unit 5 Warehousing Management Unit 6 Inventory Management Unit 7 Packaging and Logistics Unit 8 Transportation Management Unit 9 Logistics Costs Management Unit 10 Third Party Logistics Unit 11 Global Logistics Management Unit 12 IT Systems and E-commerce Unit 13 Retail Logistics Unit 14 Reverse Logistics Unit 15 Green Logistics Glossary Reference
Unit 5Warehousing Management Warehousing incorporates many different functions of logisticsoperation. And there may be some confusion when mentioningwarehousing together with inventory, stock, or distribution centers.Inventory is all stock on hand at any given time, either visibly displayed orin stockrooms and other secured areas. A warehouse is a storage place forproducts. A Distribution Center (DC), similarly, is a warehouse facilitywhich holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to theappropriate stores. And warehousing is defined as part of a finns logisticssystem that stores products like raw materials, parts, goods-in-process andfinished goods at and between points of origin and points of consumption.I. Functions of Warehouses There is a trade-off of warehousing: adding a warehouse meansadding a new layer of costs, yet it shortens the transportation and providesquicker response and greater convenience as the following figureillustrates. Moreover, the warehousing facility generates shorter-haultransportation routes, which tend to be more costly per mile than long haultransportation. However, the increased costs of short-haul transportationmay be offset by lower transportation costs per unit of weight associatedwith volume shipments.
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