

珠海宜新软件科技有限公司 珠海宜新软件科技有限公司 南开大学出版社,天津电子出版社 (2012-09出版)



珠海宜新软件科技有限公司 南开大学出版社,天津电子出版社 (2012-09出版)  








Section One Nick and Lisa Abroad 机场英语 Picture Dictionary At the Airport图解机场 Dialogue 1 Checking In办理登机手续 Dialogue 2 Security and Immigration安检和出入境 Dialogue 3 Boarding and Taking Off登机和起飞 Dialogue 40n the Plane在飞机上 Dialogue 5 Buying Duty—free Items购买免税商品 Dialogue 6 Immigration入境检查 Dialogue 7 The Baggage Claim Area行李提领处 Dialogue 8 Strange Customs奇怪的海关检查 Dialogue 9 At a Bank在银行 Section Two Nick and Lisa in Paris观光英语 Picture Dictionary A Tour图解旅行团 Dialogue 1 ATour of the Arch of Triumph凯旋门之旅 Dialogue 2 A Tour of the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔之旅 Dialogue 3 At an Art Museum在美术馆 Dialogue 4 An Evening Boat Tour on the Seine夜游塞纳河 Section Three A Holiday of Hospitality 饭店英语 Piclure Dictionary In a Hotel图解饭店 Dialogue 1 Checking In登记住宿 Dialogue 2 Unpacking整理行李 Dialogue 3 Getting Hotel Information获取饭店信息 Dialogue 4 Having Problems with the Room房间有问题 Dialogue 5 Talking to the Concierge跟服务台人员谈话 Dialogue 6 Checking Out退房 Section Four Nick and Lisa Dive into Summer度假英语 Picture Dictionary At the Beach图解海滩 Dialogue 1 Going to the Beach到海边玩 Dialogue 2 Fishing钓鱼 Dialogue 3 Sitting in the Sun坐在阳光下 Dialogue 4 Walking on the Beach海滩散步 Dialogue 5 Getting Swimming Lessons上游泳课 Dialogue6 Beach Volleyball沙滩排球 Dialogue 7 Building a Sandcastle盖沙堡 Dialogue 8 Going Snorkeling去浮潜 Dialogue 9 Having a Beach Barbecue海滩烧烤 Section Five In a Restaurant餐厅英语 Picture Dictionary In a Restaurant图解餐厅 Dialogue 1 Choosing a Restaurant选择餐厅 Dialogue 2 Getting a Table找座位用餐 Dialogue 3 Ordering点餐 Dialogue 4 Wrong Order上错菜 Dialogue 5 Ending the Meal结束用餐 Section Six Shop till You Drop购物英语 Picture Dictionary A Clothing Store图解服饰店 Dialogue 1 ABig Sale大特卖 Dialogue 2 Looking at Clothes选购衣服 Dialogue 3 Finding the Right Style找到合适的风格 Dialogue 4 Paying the Price付钱 Dialogue 5 At the Mall在购物中心 Dialogue 6 Asking the Price询问价钱 Dialogue 7 Paying for Clothes付钱买衣服 Dialogue 8 Finding a Sale找到一家特卖店 Dialogue 9 Requesting a Shoe Size询问鞋子的尺寸 Section Seven Call911! 急救英语 Picture Dictionary Emergencies紧急事件 Dialogue 1 Be Prepared做好一切准备 Dialogue 2 Car Accidents车祸 Dialogue 3 Lost in the Mountains在山里迷路 Dialogue 4 Getting Rescued获救 Answer Key解答页


版权页: 插图: Situation Nick ond Liso are at the beach.Lisa is teaching Nick how to play beach volleyball. L: The great thing about beach volleyball is you can play with only two people. N: That's good.I'd be embarrassed: to play with a team. L: Now remember,you can hit the ball with open hands,like this,or with a closed fist,like this,or with your hands together,like this. N: I think I understand.Go ahead and serve.I'm ready. L: All right.Here goes…(Lisa serves the ball.Nick catches it.) N: Got it! L: Nick! You can't catch the ball! You 're supposed to hit it.That's one point for me. N: We're keeping score? L: Yes,and the loser buys lunch.That's the only way I will keep you serious about the game. N: I don't want to play then. L: Then I'll play with that handsome weight lifter' over there. N: OK,OK! I'll play.Serve! 情景 尼克和莉萨在海边。莉萨正在教尼克怎么打沙滩排球。 莉萨:沙滩排球最棒的一点就是两个人就可以打。 尼克:那样很好。跟一组人打的话我会觉得很尴尬。 莉萨:现在记住,你可以张开双手击球,像这样,或握拳击球,像这样,也可以双手一起来,像这样。 尼克:我想我懂了,来,发球吧。我准备好了。 莉萨:好,我要发球了……(莉萨发球,尼克接住。) 尼克:接到了! 莉萨:尼克!你不能接球!你应该要把球打出去。那样算我得一分。 尼克:我们还计分? 莉萨:没错,输的人午餐要请客,这是让你认真比赛的唯一方法。 尼克:那我不想打了。 莉萨:那我就和那边那位帅帅的举重选手一起打。 尼克:好好,我打,发球吧!






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