陆全明,王赤 主编
Preface to the USTC Alumni's Series
Part One Solar and Heliospheric Physics
A fast solar wind model with anisotropic proton
On the cascade processes of Alfven waves in the
fast solar wind
Transition region, coronal heating and the fast
solar wind
A global 2.5-dimensional three fluid solar wind
model with alpha particles
Ion pickup by finite amplitude parallel
propagating Alfvcn waves
Formation of minor-ion charge states in the fast
solar wind: Roles of differential flow speeds of ions of the same
Stagnated outflow of O+5 ions in the source
region of the slow solar wind at solar minimum
On the outflow in an equatorial coronal
Time series study of EUV spicules observed by
Heating of ions by Alfven waves via nonresonant
RHESSI observation of chromospheric
RHESSI hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy of
extended sources and the physical properties of electron
acceleration regions in solar flares
Equilibrium and catastrophe of coronal flux
ropes in axisymmetrical magnetic field
A new non-pressure-balanced structure in
interplanetary space: Boundary layers of magnetic clouds
Global distribution of coronal mass outputs and
its relation to solar magnetic field structures
Identification of the magnetic cloud boundary
Magnetic structures inside boundary layers of
magnetic clouds
Characteristics of the interplanetary coronal
mass ejections in the heliosphere between 0.3 and 5.4 AU
Development of a strong shock in the outer
Reconstruction of magnetic flux ropes in the
solar wind
Multiple flux rope magnetic ejecta in the solar
wind :
Multiple magnetic clouds. Several examples
during March - April 2001
Part Two Magnetospheric Physics
On the ionospheric and reconnection potentials
of the earth. Results from global MHD simulations
Electromagnetic waves downstream of
quasi-perpendicular shocks
Magnetic spectral signatures in the terrestrial
plasma depletion layer. Hybrid simulations
Whistler wave instabilities in collisionless
current sheet
Joint observations by Cluster satellites of
bursty bulk flows in the magnetotail
Variations of 0.7 - 6.0 MeV electrons at
geosynchronous orbit as a function of solar wind
Correlation between the inner edge of outer
radiation belt electrons and the innermost plasmapause
Whistler instability threshold condition of
energetic electrons by kappa distribution in space plasmas
Relativistic diffusion coefficients for
superluminous (auroral kilometric radiation) wave modes in space
Polar cap arcs. a review
Diurnal tides in mesosphere/low-thermosphere
(MLT) during 2002 at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.4°E) using Canonical
Correlation Analysis
Response of the magnetic field in the
geosynchronous orbit to solar wind dynamic pressure pulses
Nongyrotropy of heavy newborn ions at comet
Grigg-Skjellerup and corresponding instability
Three-dimensional, multispecies, high spatial
resolution MHD studies of the solar wind interaction with
Comparisons between MHD model calculations and
observations of Cassini flybys of Titan
版权页:插图:[46] The interest in ion cyclotron resonance as a mechanism to account for thetemperature anisotropy of protons and minor ions in the inner corona has been spurredby the recent ultraviolet spectral line observations in the corona by UVCS on SOHO Kohl et al, 1998, Li et al. 1998; Cranmer et al. , 1999]. However, a self-consistent approach considering the evolution of the spectrum of Alfv6n waves in theinner corona out to interplanetary space, together with the evolution of the solar wind,does not exist at present. This study is the first attempt at such a self-consistent approach.[47] In this paper we developed a numerical method which solves the electron-proton solar wind and Alfv6n wave spectrum equations simultaneously with high accuracyand efficiency. Using this technique, the radial evolution of the solar wind and the Alfv6nwave spectrum can be determined self-consistently for an arbitrarily prescribed tem-perature, density, and Alfvn wave spectrum at the coronal base. Given this approach,we investigate the nonlinear cascade effect on the heating and acceleration of the fastsolar wind and the radial evolution of the Alfv6n wave spectrum. For the first time, thecascade effect and the evolution of the Alfv+nic spectrum from the coronal base to 1 AUare investigated in a self-consistent manner. The processes described by the Kolmogorov and the Kraichnan cascade functions are tested.