梁为祥 编
内 容 提 要 本书编写时严格遵守了《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》规定的教学内容、目的和要求,内容主要突出“读”和“写”。除了课文后面附有的生词和双解注释之后,还着重编写了重点练习,并附上 Text B和 7篇科技读物、最后编排了写作内容、上册的写作内容重点突出 basic writing(sentence skills),涵盖 10个方面内容。每一项包括写作理论指导、实例演绎和写作练习。
Unit 0ne Text A Hong Kong——Wonders Never Cease Text B Great Changes in Macao Basic Writing Sentence FragmentsUnit TwO Text A Fool’S Paradise Text B A Clean,Well lighted Place Basic Writing Run—on SentencesUnit Three Text A A Speech of Louis V.Gerstner,Jr.,Chairman and CEO of IBM in Beijing Text B The Coming Chinese Century Big,Rich,and a Force tO Be Reckoned with Basic Writing Misplaced and Dangling ModifiersUnit Four Text A The Day the "Unsinkable"Titanic Went Down Text B A Love Story Basic Writing Parallel ConstructionUnit Five Text A A Scientist Looks at Tomorrow Text B New Nuclear Weapons Research Proceeding at Furious Pace Basic Writing WordinessUnit Six Text A Can This Marriage Be Saved? Part I: Kate Talks First Text B Can This Marriage Be Saved? Part II: Peter's Turn to Talk Basic Writing Sentence EmphasisUnit Seven Text A Three Days to See Text B The Last Leaf Basic Writing Sentence VarietyUnit Eight Text A Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U. S. S. R Text B Inaugural Address Basic Writing Internal Structure of a ParagraphUnit Nine Text A The Unhappy American Way Text B The Tragedy of Old Age in America Basic Writing Developing the ParagraphUnit Ten Supplementary Readings
版权页:Two hundred years ago, the West discovered that a man'soutput of work can be multiplied many times if the repetitive tasksare done by a machine. Machines were invented that could mimicthose actions which a man must carry out laboriously andmonotonously, time and time again, in order to finish a piece ofwork. The wealth of the WeSt, and its high standard of living,derive dlrectly from the revolution in manufacture —— the IndustrialRevolution —— which these machines created. But only in recentyears have we come to see that any repetitive task —— whether it ismuscular or whether it demands more delicate skills of calculationand judgment —— is really best handled by a machine. This is the realnature of automation: the discovery that repetition is a machinetask, even if the repetition is in adding up a ledger or controlling thedistillation of a chemical. The social implications of such automation are profound they,more than anything else I have forecast, will shape the community ofthe future, so I want to turn botdly tO make a social prophecy. Ibelieve that the combined effect of nuclear energy and of automationwill be to revolutionize the way in which men run their industries.Today industries are concentrated in large cities because we find itconvenient to generate energy on a large scale, and because wehave to have large labor forces. Our industrial civilization hasherded people together in huge complexes of cities, but the nextfifty years may reverse this trend and begin to dissolve the uglyconcentrations of the Ruhr and the Clyde, of Pittsburgh and Tokyo.