一、傻瓜幽默 蘑菇和毒菌 两匹马 我知道 签名 理由 乐观主义者 见鬼 腹语艺人 第三个 实际上不是的 在自动扶梯上 捕鱼二、原来如此 “当然不会。” 要是我死了 葬礼 拔牙……三、语言幽默四、儿童幽默五、智慧妙语六、啼笑皆非七、自有解法八、“讽”话连篇九、莫名其“妙”答案
书摘Two Kinds of Elephants Loganiooked out of the window ofher jeweIry store as an eIephant steppedout of a huge truck.It rammedits headinto her diSpiay windows,used its trunkto suck up the jeweIS,then turned andcmbed lnto the truck… Fifteen minutesiater,she recountedthe incredibce scene to Detective EI I iS.“Can you descri be the e l ephant?’’ heasked. “It was arl eiephant!What kind of de-scription do you want?” “There are two k!nds.The Indian eIe-phant has smaI Ier ears than the Africankind.” “EarsI” Logan said angriIY. “HowWOUId I know about ears?The eIephant hada stocking~puI Ied over hiS head.”Comprehension: Which of the following is NO丁true? A)A masked elephant robbed Logan of her jew—els some day. B)logan couldn’t tell which kind of clc—phant robbed her of her i ewels. C)logan answered all the questions thatwere asked by Detective Ellis. D)For Logan.what had happened was in—credib]e.两种大象 罗根透过她的珠宝店橱窗往外看,只见一头大象从一辆巨大的卡车走出,脑袋捣进展示橱窗,用鼻子吸走珠宝,然后掉转身,爬进卡车…… 15分钟后,她向侦探艾里斯详细叙述了这番令人难以置信的情景。“你能描述一下大象的样子吗?”他问。 “就是一一头大象呀!你还要我怎么描述?” “大象有两种。印度象比非洲象的耳朵小。” “耳朵!”罗根愤怒地说道,“我怎么知道它的耳朵长什么样?那头大象是蒙面的哪。”[闲人闲说] 本篇可改编为动画片,效果肯定不错。Divorce A famous acttess Came into herIawyer’s office two weeks afte广he广wed—ding.“1 want you to begin divoroe pro—ceedings.”she SOid. “Divorce?”the Iawyer said.“But youjust got married.How COUid things havegone wrong SO quickIy?” “They went wrong aImostlmmediate—IY,”the actress SOid.“At the church.heSigned hiS name in the register in bi8getietterS than mine.”Strange A I awyer named Strange WaS shop—ping for a tombstone.After he made hisseIection, the stonecutter asked himwhat insoriptiono he WOU!d I ike on it.“Hereies an honest man and a Iawyer。”responded the I awyer.“Sorry,but I can’tdo that.”repIied the stonecutter.“In thisstate,it’s against the Iaw to bury twopeopIe in the same grave. However, IOOU0d put‘here I ies an honest Iawyer.But that won’t Iet peopIe know who it is,”protested the Iawyer.“CertainIY wiII,”retorted~the stoneoutter.“Peop!e wiI1read 5t and excoa!m'that’s Strange!'" in one grave。C)people would address the lawyer by his name“Strange”.D)people would be surprised that a lawyer could be honest!古 怪 一位名叫奇怪(Strange)的律师正在买墓碑。选好之后,刻墓碑的人问他想要在上面刻什么字。“这里安葬着一个诚实的男人,一位律师,”律师答道。“对不起,我不能这么写,”刻墓碑的人答道,“把两个人葬在一个墓里,这在本洲是违法的。不过,我可以刻上‘这里安葬着一位诚实的律师’的字样。”“可是这样的话,人们就不知道死者到底是谁了,”律师反对说。“肯定会知道的,”刻墓碑的人反驳道,“人们读碑文时会大声嚷道:‘真是奇怪(that’s Strange)!”’Inaction Tryin8 to get someinformation abouther Social Securityaccount,Shepard taokedon the phone fiPst with a coerk.then a oIaimsrepresentative,then a supervisor,and fina¨Ya district manaaer.After aiI those phoneoaiIs.she stiIiknew no more than when shehad beaun. 0n desperation. she e-ma¨ed her con一8ressman to seeif he could set somethin8done.The reply was a fOnn 0etter that said.“Thank you for yourietter of support.I en—couraae you to visit our nation’s Capitoltosee your 80vemmentin action.” Furious,she repl led.“In action?Inac—tloniFlrst.someone’s 80in8 to have to telImeif that’s two words or one.”Comprehension:Shepard——A)telephoned her congressman in order toknow something about her Social Securi—ty account.B)was not welcomed by the congressman tovisit nation’S Capit01.C)got very angry finally because the con—gressman made a spelling mistake.D)got very disappointed and furious by thegovernment’S inaction.僵 化 谢泼德为了解她本人社会保障金的结算情况,先打电话询问一名办事员,然后询问申请代理人,再是监督人,最后是地区总管。打完所有这些电话。最后她了解的情况还是不比开始时多多少。 失望中,她给国会议员发了封电子邮件,看看他是否能帮她了解些什么。回信像一封公函,这样写道:“感谢您来函支持。欢迎您察访国会大厦,看看政府正在运转。” 愤怒之余,她这样回信道:“是正在运转(inaction)?是僵化(inaction)! 首先得有人告诉我这到底是两个单岡。还是一个单词。”……
前言如何使学习与快乐相伴,同时又获得显著的学习效果,这是教育的永恒命题,也是教育无止境的追求。当我们不再埋首于令人憋闷的习题集中,而是轻松漫步于学习演练中,向着目标持续行进之时,美好的变化常常就会不请自来:知识会在不知不觉中浸润你的脑海,能力会在潜移默化中获得提高,而这一切。都是在快乐的过程中,暗暗完成的。 “英语巧克力书系”,就是一套追求快乐与效果相结合的英语助学用书。它丝毫没有替代一般辅导用书功用的妄想。而是试图以轻松的面貌出现在你的面前,相伴你的学习进程。“精短、易学、耐读、好看”,是它追求的目标。我们期望它像巧克力一样既食而有味,又能给人以营养;在我们的汁划中。它是一份荟萃口语、阅渎、写作于一体的营养套餐,供你享用、回味。 本册《开心超市》,精选各类幽默100篇,配以扼要的词汇注释和练习,可供中级或中级以上英语水平的渎者阅读、赏玩。选文中活词较多,句式也较为多变,有别于一般幽默读物,因而对读者的语言学习也应有额外帮助。全书按幽默效果产生的原由及幽默的题材,将百篇短文系统分为9个人类,渎者在读赏之余,因此也可以略知幽默产生的一些机理。这9类是:“傻瓜幽默” 一展示人的种种蠢相或憨态,捧腹之余。或可一笑了之’或可引以为诫;“原来如此”一一犹如相声中的“包袱”抖开.令人豁然看到现象和本质、原因和结果等等之间匪夷所思或扭曲的联系,不禁大悦;“语言幽默”一一通过语词的佯谬、误会或肆意曲解等手段,从而产生颇有文化意味的幽默效果;“儿童幽默”一一无论是儿童的天真无忌,还是小小伎俩,都使人觉得妙趣横生;“智慧妙语”一一给智慧戴上喜剧的面具,妙不可言;“啼笑皆非”一一或展示尴尬,或展示荒谬,或展示误会,令人哭笑不得;“自有解法”一一千丝乱麻,可一剪了之’关山刀重,可一水击穿,而有些荒唐的提问,自可以笑答’不必正色;“‘讽’话连篇”一几乎篇篇都是讽刺短剧,可当寓言捧读;最后,“莫名其‘妙”’一一.基本上是上述分类所不能涵盖的幽默短篇’亦妙不可言,留待读者发掘幽默的机理,归类命名。 东方粟2002年l2月