本书以讲座形式出现,全书共两个部分,分为18个讲座。第一部分从词法着手,熔词法和句法于一炉,从语法、惯用法、词的搭配和句子结构等实用角度全面论述冠词、名词、代词、语法一致、动名词、不定式、分词、动词时态、形容词和副词、荡空结构、虚拟语气等13个讲座(lecture)。第二部分详尽论述从属与并列结构、排比结构、倒装结构、常用词的正确使用、行为动词、常见错误的避免、内容合成、句型转换等5个讲座。? 在每个讲座中,作者从现代、实用两个角度对主题进行系统论述,夹叙夹议,娓娓道来,解析透彻,并佐以实用性强的例句
PART I GRAMMAR Lecture 1 Hints on Articles Lecture 2 Hints on Nouns Lecture 3 Hints on Pronouns Lecture 4 Hints on Irregular Verbs Lecture 5 Hints on Special Link Verbs Comprehensive Test for Lectures 1-5 Lecture 6 Hints on Tense Usages Lecture 7 Hints on the Voice of Verbs Lecture 8 Hints on Agreement Lecture 9 Hints on Adjectives and Adverbs Lecture 10 Hints on I. Participles II. Participial Phrases Used Adverbially III. The Nominative Absolute Construction Comprehensive Test for Lectures 6-10 Lecture 11 Hints on I. The Infinitive without TO II. The Gerund or InfinitiveIII. Some Special Structures with the Gerund and the Infinitive Lecture 12 Hints on Dangling Elements Lecture 13 Hints on I. Conditional Sentences II. The Subjuncnve Use with WISH.IF ONLY, SUPPOSE(SUPPOSING). I'D RATHER, I'D JUST AS SOON. AS IF, IT IS TIME, etc. III. The Subjective Use with Verbs of DEMAND, SUGGESTION or ORDER and with Certain Adjectives Comprehensive Test for Lectures 11-13PART II BASIC WRITING Lecture 14 Hints on Subordination and Coordination ; Lecture 15 Hints on Parallelism Lecture 16 Hints on Inversion Comprehensive Test for Lectures 14-16 : Lecture 17 Hints on the Right Use of Words Lecture 18 Hints on Avoiding Common Errors
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学校基础写作用的教材~~里面改错题还可以 其他上课也没怎么用