杨新亮,龙云飞 主编
《研究生英语写作教程》编写组依据对中国高校本科生和研究生英语写作的多年分析和研究,认为大部分中国学生,尽管经过十多年的英语学习,有丰富的词汇和基本的语法知识,但英语写作技能仍比较薄弱,普遍存在双语“互译”现象。为此,本《教程》围绕学术英语写作技能,从样篇、写作技能、例文、练习和篇章阅读等方面组织学习内容,以满足研究生教育和英语学习的特殊需要,以及中高级英语学习者写作技能训练的需要。 本《教程》的主要适用对象为非英语专业研究生,因此,在整合基础写作技能知识的同时,主要以传输学术英语写作技能知识和提供实战训练为主,旨在以英语学术语篇的实证性和逻辑性特征培养研究生研究型和发现型学习阶段的学术思维能力;从学术篇章的结构、词句规律、连贯和衔接手段等方面培养研究生的学术英语意识,训练学术交流和创造性语言应用的能力。 本《教程》由十章组成,每章涉及学术英语说明文和论说文写作的结构和技能,由写作基础知识、样篇和例文、练习和篇章阅读等部分组成。第一章包括主题的一致和连贯、衔接、英语篇章的主要特征以及段落的结构和写作。第二章到第四章分述英语篇章的时间、空间、例证、对比、因果、定义、分类和论证的谋篇技巧、特征和训练,同时也涵盖了过渡、连贯和衔接、句式和用词等具体的写作技能训练。第五章到第十章编排了与学术研究和交流相关的应用写作部分,培养研究生撰写论文摘要、参考文献、读书报告、文献综述、前言等方面的应用技能。 每章内容依据样篇和例文对写作知识和技能进行实证性分析和描述。样篇和例证来自编写组对历年大学英语四、六级以及历年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语真题阅读理解语篇和媒体英语语篇的认真分析和采集。实证性的语篇分析和写作训练符合实践性技能学习和教学的规律。 为巩固和训练英语写作技能,本《教程》从连贯和衔接、句式变化、篇章写作和诊断性习作分析等方面编排练习内容,以期从基本技能训练发展综合英语写作能力。为巩固和丰富研究生学术写作的语言知识,每章安排了两篇阅读文章。 本《教程》是编写组对宁波大学近十届研究生英语写作课程和技能连续跟踪调查研究的成果。教材内容的选取和编排充分考虑了中国学生的知识表征和外语习得规律,依照心理语言学和认知语言学的外语学习观,优化了教材内容。
Chapter One English Paragraphs Model Composition The Topic Sentence Cohesion Unity and Coherence Paragraph Writing Transitions The Composition Outline Exercise Reading TaskChapter Two The Chronological Paragraph Model Composition Chronological Paragraph Development Change of Words and Varieties in Sentence Openings, Structure and Length Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Linking Paragraphs Together Preface or Foreword Exercise Reading TaskChapter Three The Spatial Paragraph Model Composition Spatial Paragraph Development Writing in Specific Terms Transitions for Spatial Development Innovative and Flexible Use of Words Abstract Writing Exercise Reading TaskChapter Four The Expository Paragraph Developed by Examples Model Composition Expository Paragraph Development by Examples Nominalization in Academic Writings Transitions for Expository Development Introductory Paragraphs Bibliography Exercise Reading TaskChapter Five The Expository Composition Developed by Comparison and Contrast , Model Composition Composition Development by Comparison and Contrast Transitions for Comparison and Contrast Active and Passive Voice Technical Writing: Reports Exercise Reading TaskChapter Six The Expository Composition Developed by Cause and Effect Model Composition Composition Development by Cause and Effect Writing a Conclusion Synonyms and Near-meaning Words as Transitions Noun Modifiers and Noun Compound in Scientific and Technical English Exercise Reading TaskChapter Seven The Expository Composition Developed by Definition Model Composition Composition Development by Definition Force in Writing Writing a Book Report Parallelism Subordination Exercise Reading TaskChapter Eight The Expository Composition Developed by Logical Division Model Composition Expository Composition Development by Logical Division Rhetoric Question……Chapter Nine The Expository Compository Composition Developed by ProcessChapter Ten The Argumentative CompositionReferences
Geneva for three days last week but failed to agree on a blueprintThe conference collapsed two days ahead of its scheduled close,preceded by a walkout by Indian Commerce Minister inotest against the talks”futility The breakdown was hardly unexpected,as it was clear that few members were ready to relax the rigid position they had held for the past two yearsWhile WTO opponents used the collapse to endorse the view that globalization was in crisis again,others said any hopes for an agreement at this“miniministerial”conferenceon reducing farm subsidies and import tariffs for agriculture and industrial products as a part of the Doha round on multilateral trade,were overly optimistic anyway Not only have the WT0 talks entered the most complex phase of negotiations,where unanimous agreements are difficult to arrive at,but the time may have come to scale down the ambitions of the member countries “It is ridiculous to assume that the Doha round can be concluded so easily and within just a few years”,says head of the Center for WT0 Studies at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade“The last two rounds of negotiations,the Tokyo round that began in 1973 and the Uruguay round that began in 1986,carried on for six years and seven years respectively,when developing countries were not involvedBut the Doha round that started in 200 1 has all contentious issues thrown in and now involves the developing countriesIt would be unduly optimistic then to expect that a round as complex as the Doha round could be concluded in barely three or five years” The meeting started in Geneva last week。with WT0 members including the European Union,the United States,India and Brazil,to craft a blueprint for a global treaty by the end of 2006 that would cut trade barriers across various sectors,from agriculture to services,wrapping up the so-called Doha round of talksBut sharp differences between developed countries——especially the US,and the developing countries,led by India and Brazil,led to failure as members refused to show flexibility and clung to their original positions While the US refused to reduce farm subsidies to the levels demanded by the developing countries like India。Brazil and China(members of the socalled G20),the EU stance also was an obstacle:it offered just a 50%cut in its agriculture tariffs instead of 64%suggested by the US On other hand,India and Brazil,which represented the developing countries in the negotiations,were upset because the US,instead of talking about reducing subsidies,actually wanted to increase them while at the same time insisting that developing countries open their markets to industrial products “They were willing to offer$1 95 billion on farm subsidies and even demanded the flexibility to go up to$225 billion。so the US was going in the reverse direction”According to him,the G20 had proposed that the US should bring down its farm subsidy levels to$1 2~~1 3 billionThe developing countries were thus forced“to take a tough stand and quit”.