

阳志清,曹志希 编 上海交通大学出版社





阳志清,曹志希 编  




  Discourse is the most important medium of human verbal communication. Forthe majority of occasions, we communicate with each other through discoursewhether we are exchanging ideas, information, and emotions or across time andspace. The study of discourse comprehension (DC hereafter), therefore, is of directand practical significance to human verbal communication. It also has academic im-portance, five aspects of which are pointed out by A. C. Oraesser et al (1997:163 - 189)The peculiarity of the study of DC: Discourse processing (DP here-after) is not only limited to language itself in that it is not the mere gathering ofsentences or utterances, nor is it only retrieving and constructing the representationof memory. As a matter of fact, the study of DC cannot be replaced by the studyfrom other branches, such as memory psychology, or psycholinguistics.Therichness of discourse context: Discourse creates such rich contexts that we may lim-it the interpretation of input like ambiguity in a systematic fashion.Hypothesestesting of psychological theories: Some discourse are microcosmic of events and ex-periences of the real world and experiments of DP can serve to test the psychologicaltheories regarding human cognitive behavior and emotion through natural or createddiscourse. The importance of the study of DC: Discourse entails multi-levelpresentation from phoneme to global message. The fact that humans can coordinateon these levels rapidly shows that DP is a" major manifestation of human intelli-gence.The complexity of DC: Discourse is practically interwoven with all-cogni-tive functions and processes like memory, conception, inferencing, and problemsolving.


  《话语语言学与语言教学》是《外国语言文学研究丛书》系列之一的《话语语言学与语言教学》分册,内中具体收录了:《语篇连贯中的转喻机制》、《语篇分析在司法语境中的应用》、《语境真实性之文化思考》、《英语词汇教学与认知发展模式》等文章。 《话语语言学与语言教学》适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。


FOREWORDPREFACEPhonetic Text in a Universal Phonetic AlptlabetOn Meaning Negotiation Between Teacher and Students in the Foretign Langt Jage ClassroomDiscolJrsc Analysis of Legal English英汉语辞格的形式、作用和认知意义韩国语过去时态“..”和“..”的用法研究《桃花源记》汉英语篇对比分析《午餐》的人际功能建构语篇连贯中的转喻机制模因复合体与话语含义英语演讲语篇的语法隐喻分析语篇分析在司法语境中的应用西方语言学发展轨迹奥斯卡颁奖晚会演讲的文体分析从语篇角度解析电影《天下无贼》台词广播新闻话语分析之数词视角谎言的认知语用解读《宿建德江》五种英译本的语篇功能分析英语政治语篇中指称词语的顺应性分析语境真实性之文化思考跨文化交际中的中日两国寒暄语分析Discourse Analysis in Foreign Language TeachingStructuring in Teacher-initiated Text-based Questioning Discourse in Classrooms英语词汇教学与认知发展模式英语写作教学认知研究述评


  (2) Sociological Factors  Legal language is the primary tool of the legal professionals. Lawyers have on-ly one way of using their knowledge-through legal language. One important functionof legal language is the performative function. Legal language carries the force ofthe law. Of course: it is not legal language by itself that has that power. Societyhas granted to certain persons of the authority to make decisions over life and prop-erty. A society needs laws: and legal sanctity can help persuade people to followthem. This idea of legal language as carrying the power of law appears to be onereason that lawyers resist even small changes for avoiding the wrong legal result.  (3) Jurisprudential Factors  Common law is usually built first. In the law: terms: phrases: even the wholepassage: mean what courts have decided them to mean. Chief Justice Hughessstatement that "a federal statute finally means what the Court says it means" (Char-row: Erhardt 1995) is probably more accurate: as the legal system actually oper-ates. There are numerous instances where a definition decided either by the courtsor by statute differs substantially from the common meaning of the term. The inter-action between jurisprudence and legal language is nicely illustrated in the often con-tradictory rules that courts use to interpret the meaning of statutory language. Inaddition to these rules: the courts have created a host of maxims to take care of spe-cific situations. The purpose of these rules is supposedly to provide objective crite-ria for resolving statutory ambiguity. Courts often use these rules to support a par-ticular interpretation after they have created a decision. Consequently: differentcourts have applied the various rules and maxims to the same term and have come upwith different meanings.




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