这部专著源自赵福利撰写的博士学位论文“二语知识模型的有效性:一项以英语学习者情态动词学习情况为基础的研究”。这项研究课题具有相当的深度和难度,不仅要求作者深入了解二语习得中语言知识结构的各种理论模型,而且要求作者具体掌握英语学习者英语情态动词的学习情况。在二语习得研究的宏观和微观这两个方面,能做到其中之一已很不容易,而把两个方面研究都做到,并让两者有机地结合,使微观调查有效地为宏观框架服务,那就更加困难。该专著作者独具匠心,从调查英语学习者掌握英语情态动词情况入手,进而比较和验证国外学者提出的二语习得的知识结构模型,最后提出自己关于二语习得结构模型的设想。这样就做到了宏观研究与微观研究的结合,把理论探索的难题解决在实证研究的过程之中。因此,该专著无论在研究思路上,还是在研究方法上,都有相当的参考价值,值得推广。 该书所比较和检验的四个二语知识结构模型,都是这个领域的研究者比较熟悉的理论模型。它们是Canale&Swain的交际能力理论模型(1980)、Larsen-Freeman的教学语法模型(1991)、Bachman&Palmer的二语能力模型(1996)和Purpura的二语语法能力模型(2004.)。二语习得领域的研究者一般都愿意介绍某个理论模型并应用其中的一些有用部分,但很少对理论模型的有效性进行系统的研究,用实证的方法系统地比较和检验这些理论模型的研究就更少了。本书的作者不仅用实证研究的方法验证了四个二语知识模型的有效性程度,而且在此基础上提炼出一个具有一定新意的二语知识结构模型。
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Rationale for the Book1.3 Purpose of the Book,1.4 Overview of the BookChapter 2 Li terature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Competing Views in the Early Stage2.3 Canale and Swain’S Communicative Competence2.4 Bachman and Palmer’S Model2.5 Larsen—Freeman’S Model2.6 Purpura’S Model2.7 Remaining Problems2.8 Research on Modality2.9 L2 Acquisition Research of English Modal Verbs2.10 Research Questions2.11 Definitions of Key Terms2.12 SummaryChapter 3 Research Methodo logy3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments and Test Design3.3 Data Preparation and Collection Procedures3.4 Data Analysis Procedures3.5 Comparison of the Models3.6 SimilaritieS and Differences Between EFA and CFA3.7 Empirical Validation of the Research Findings3.8 SummaryChapter 4 Preliminary Statistics and Analyses4.1 Preliminary Descriptive Analysis of the Tests4.2 Two Regression Analyses,4.3 Preliminary Analysis for Model Validation4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Confi rrnatory Factor Analysis of L2 Knowledge Models5.1 Preliminaries for the Construct Validation of the Modal Verbs Test5.2 Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Four L2 Knowledge Models5.3 Comparison of Knowledge Models of L2 Acquisition5.4 Discussion on Research Questions 2~65.5 SummaryChapter 6 An Integrated Mode I of L2 Knowledge6.1 Examination of an Integrated Model of L2 Knowledge6.2 Validation of the Integrated Model Through LearnersMental Representation6.3 SummaryChapter 7 A Case Study7.1 Examination of the Difficulty Order in the Acquisition of English Modals with Regard to Meaning7.2 Examination of the Difficulty Order of English Modals with Regard to Pragmatic Use7.3 SummaryChapter 8 Summary and ConcIusions8.1 Major Findings8.2 Significance of the Book8.3 Limitations of the Book8.4 Recommendations for Further ResearchAppendix A General Grammar TestAppendix B English Modal Verbs TestAppendix C Questionnaire on L2 KnowledgeAppendix D Free Sentence Production(A Sample)kppendix E Raw Data(A Sample)BibliographyAcknowledgments
5) Interpreting the tactor structure. In interpreting meacmrstructure, each of the measures will be linearly related to each of thefactors. The strength of this relationship is contained in therespective factor loading, produced by the factor rotation in the step.Actually this step is inseparable fiom factor rotation in step 4. Though the EFA procedures are complex, they can be easilyrealized with the help of the statistics tools. It is only a matter ofparameter-setting in the computer softwares. The significance ofexploratory factor analysis in the book lies in that it not only helps usdetermine the latent factors to be included in the models underexamination, but also provides statistical evidence for our initialassumptions about the make-up of the concerning L2 knowledgemodeling.3.4.4 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) In this book, we use structural equation modeling as theprimary analytical tool to investigate the adequacy of the models inquestion. Structural equation models refer to the models thatrepresent the causal and correlational links between theoreticalvariables. More specifically, they represent the inter-relationshipsamong observed and latent variables (theoretical construct) andthe inter-relationships among latent variables. Structural equationmodeling can then be viewed as a family of statistical proceduresfor representing and testing such models. It aims to provide ameaningful and parsimonious explanation for observed phenomena.Advantages of using structural equation modeling over exploratoryfactor analysis include its powerful hypothesis-testing capabilitiesand (2) its capabilities of taking into account measurement errors aswell as systemic errors (e. g., test method effects) (Bentler, 1995).