赵万生,叶军,朱荻 编
The International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM) is a triennial meeting of academia and industry that specializesin electro-physical and electro-chemical machining. This event is conducted under the auspices of the InternationalAcademy for Production Engineering (previously known as International Institution for Production Engineering Researchand also CIRP, from the French name Collige International pour la Recherche en Productique' ). It serves as a platformfor the dissemination of the latest scientific and technological accomplishments that represent the state-of-the-art innontraditional machining processes. The ever increasing diversity of the geographical locations of participants and the widerspectrum of topics covered since the beginning of ISEM in 1960's is a testimony of the growing success and popularity ofthis international symposium.The 16th International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM XVl) is held in Shanghai China, just 11 days before theWorld EXPO 2010. Situated in the Yangtze River Delta on China's eastern coast, Shanghai is renowned as the mostinternationalized metropolitan city in China. Shanghai has given the birth to China's modem industry, and witnessed thegreat changes in China's modern history. Over thirty years of economic reform, Shanghai has metamorphosed into aeconomic power house in China. The city as a whole is on the way towards an international center for finance, logisticsand transformation which is expected to be accomplished by the year 2020.
The International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM) is a triennial meeting of academia and industry that specializesin electro-physical and electro-chemical machining. This event is conducted under the auspices of the InternationalAcademy for Production Engineering (previously known as International Institution for Production Engineering Researchand also CIRP, from the French name Collige International pour la Recherche en Productique ). It serves as a platformfor the dissemination of the latest scientific and technological accomplishments that represent the state-of-the-art innontraditional machining processes. The ever increasing diversity of the geographical locations of participants and the widerspectrum of topics covered since the beginning of ISEM in 1960s is a testimony of the growing success and popularity ofthis international symposium.The 16th International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM XVl) is held in Shanghai China, just 11 days before theWorld EXPO 2010. Situated in the Yangtze River Delta on Chinas eastern coast, Shanghai is renowned as the mostinternationalized metropolitan city in China. Shanghai has given the birth to Chinas modem industry, and witnessed thegreat changes in Chinas modern history. Over thirty years of economic reform, Shanghai has metamorphosed into aeconomic power house in China. The city as a whole is on the way towards an international center for finance, logisticsand transformation which is expected to be accomplished by the year 2020.
Keynote LecturesPart and Material Properties in Selective Laser Melting of MetalsAdvancements in Fundamental Studies on EDM Gap PhenomenaElectrical Discharge Machining (EDM)Onthe Characterization of the Heat Input for Thermal Modelling of the EDM ProcessOptimization of EDM Parameters on Nonconductive Ceramics Using Grey Relational AnalysisTime Estimation for Sinking EDM OperationsStudy of High Efficient Discharge Cutting Solar Silicon and Texturing DirectlyInfluence of Additives in Dielectric Fluids for Electrical Discharge MachiningPerformance Characteristics of Dry EDMEDM Characteristics of Carbon Fiber Reinforced PlasticResearch of the Rosin in Machining Fluid for Electrical Discharge MachiningThe Methodology of Detecting Dynamical Properties of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Process towards Buildinga Timely Varied Linear Predictive ModelPowder Mixed Near Dry Electrical Discharge MachiningExperimental Study on Single-pulse Discharge in Gas DielectricA New Discharge State Recognition Method of EDM Based on Pulse Edge DetectionSimultaneous Electrical Discharge Machining of Rectilinear Holes Using Electrodes of Various DiametersModeling of Workpiece Removal Rate on EDMMist-jetting Electrical Discharge Truing and Dressing Technology Combined with Mechanical Method on Metal-bondedDiamond Grinding WheelElectrical Discharqe Truinq for Micro Electroplated Diamond ToolAbout the Static Gap Pressure in Electro Discharge Drilling ProcessObservation of Flying Debris Scattered from Discharge Point in EDM ProcessVerification of Basic Performance of Size-Reduced Automatic Discharge Gap Controller for Curved Hole ElectricalDischarqe MachininqElectrical Discharge Machining Properties of Insulating Si3N4 Ceramics with Added Al2O3Effects of Process Parameters on Single Discharge ForcesInvestigation on Dynamic Gas Bubble Formation by Using a High-Speed-Camera SystemStudy of Gap States in Bunched-electrode EDMNumerical Simulation of Uneven Wear of Shaped Electrode in EDMSurface Modification Using Electrical Discharge in Air GapAdvanced Strategies for Improving the Surface Integrity in Electroerosion MachiningCharacteristics of Electrical Discharoe Machinina for Maanetic MaterialEffective Pulses Discriminator and Direct-Drive Jump Control for High Efficiency Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)ProcessesResponse Surface Methodology Approach to Process Modeling and Optimization of Powder Mixed Electrical DischargeMachining (PMEDM)The Study and Application of Pulse Generator in EDM Mirror MachiningAdvancement in High Speed Electro-Erosion Processes for Machining Tough MetalsExperiment Research of the Electrical Discharge Machining Parameters Effected on Microstructure of PolycrystallineDiamondResearch on EDM Mechanism of Polycrystalline DiamondHigh-Speed Electroerosion Milling of SuperalloysMonitoring of EDM Gap Discharge Status with Wavelet Transform MethodInvestigations on High Speed Electroerosion Machining of Forged Carbon SteelWire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM)Measurement of Wire Deflection in Wire-cut EDM MachiningMechanism of High Efficient Discharged Cutting on Low Doped SiliconDevelopment of On-the-Machine Surface Modification Technology in WEDMA New Additive and Application System for Wire-EDMWire EDM of WC- ZrO2 CompositesInfluence of Needle Pulse Shifting on the Basis Pulse for Wire-EDM of Hard MetalsOn-line Estimation of Workpiece Height in WEDMTrajectory Planning for the Four Axis WEDM Machine Tool and Its ImplementationParameter Optimization for Surface Roughness of Multiple Cut on HS-WEDM Based on Genetic AlgorithmMonitoring Technology of Gap Discharge Status Based on Floating Threshold for WEDMA Novel Discharging Status Distinguish Method on Machining Si3N4 by HS-WEDMInvestigations on the Influence of Powder Suspended Dielectrics in Wire-EDMWEDM of Aerospace Alloys Using ' Clean Cut' Generator TechnologyElectrochemical Machining (ECM, Electro forming)Experimental Study of Hydrodynamic Bearing Groove Machining Using Fixed Position Cathode Pulse ECMSelected Problems of Pulse Electrochemical MachiningFundamental Research on Electrochemical Micro-machining by Using Water as the ElectrolytePreparation and Analysis of Two-dimensional Nickel Dendrite with Fractal StructureResearch on Electrochemical Dissolution Localization in Case of Micro Machining with Ultra Short PulsesMaterial Structure Influence on Surface Roughness in Nanofinishing Electrochemical ProcessResearch on Porous Metal Nickel in Jet ElectrodepositsResearch on Micro Electrode Fabrication Based on ECMResearch on Micro ECM Using Micro Array ElectrodeAspects of Improving of Electrochemical Machining AccuracyStudy on Electrolyte Jet TurningMechanism and Process Study of Ultrasonical Vibration Combined Synchronizing Pulse Electrochemical Micro-MachiningDevelopment of Gap-width Controlling System for Micro-ECMSurface Improvement and Status Simulation of Alloy Tool Steel by Electrochemical PolishingExperimental Study on Numerical Control Electrochemical Machining with BaU-end Tool-electrodeDesign and Optimization of Process Parameters in Electrochemical Machining of Inconel 625 Alloy Using Taguchi MethodResearch on NC Electrochemical Mechanical Machining Carbide AlloyMicro Electrochemical Machining and Its Influencing FactorsProcess Control and Power Systems for Electrochemical-Erosion Sinking (ELESIN)Electrochemical Machining of Micro-profile on CopperUltrasonic Machining (USM)Effect of Feed Velocity on Cutting Characteristics of Polycarbonate Sheet Subjected to a Two-line Wedge IndentationExperimental Study on Ultrasonic Face Machining of GlassInvestigation of Micro Hole Drilling in Bovine Rib Using Micro Rotary Ultrasonic MachiningLaser Beam Machining (LBM)Energy Attenuation Modelling for Laser Cladding Process with Coaxial Powder NozzlesFundamental Study on High-quality Dicing Method for Semiconductor Package by Fiber LaserFundamental Study on Micro-welding of Thin Stainless Steel Sheet by Fiber LaserErosion Behavior of Plasma-sprayed and Laser-remelted Ceramic Coatings on TiAI Intermetallic SurfaceResearch on Laser Micromachining at Medical Stents ManufacturingOther High-Density Beam Machining (EBM, IBM, Plasma Processing)Surface Finishing of Cemented Carbide by Large-area EB IrradiationAbrasive/Water Jet Machining (A/WJM)Unconventional Methods of Cutting of Bone and TissueOther Non-Traditional Machining Methods (Direct writing, PVM)Optimization of Machining Parameters of a Novel Friction Drilling ProcessEfficiency Improvement of Electrochemical Discharge Machining by a Magnetic Field-assisted ApproachFactor Influencing the Gas Film Performance of Electrochemical Discharge MachiningHybrid ProcessesIntelligent Control of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Grinding Combined with EDMOptimization of Electrochemical Discharge Machining ProcessInvestigation on Ultrasound-assisted Electro-spark Deposition ProcessingA Novel Hybrid Process for Fabricating the Micro Holes ArrayA Hybrid Process of Micro EDM and Micro ECM for 3D Micro StructuresPassivating Film at the Electrochemical Discharge DrillingElectro-discharoe Grindina, Enerav Consumption and Internal Stresses in the Surface LaverHybrid EDM: Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted EDM Applied to Micro-Holes……Rapid ManufecturingMicro and Nano Machining by Nontraditiona MethodsProcess Modeling and SimulationAuthor Index
插图:The EDM process has been used in industry for decades,and it is, by far, the most common amongst the non-conventional machining processes. Its applications covera variety of industries such as mould and tool making,automotive medical and micromechanics. In spite of thementioned popularity of this process, its use has beenlargely based on empirical knowledge and on theexperience of EDM machine users. As a result, accuratepredictions of material removal rate, surface finish andsurface integrity have only been achieved after costly trial-error approaches. The existing lack of scientific knowledgecan be attributed to two main reasons: First, there existgreat difficulties when it comes to experimentallymeasuring magnitudes related to the discharge process;second, EDM involves several physical phenomena,including thermal, electrical, mechanical and metallurgicalprocesses.Determining the complex relationshipsamongst parameters is a difficult task, and makesmodelling of EDM a challenge.In recent years, efforts have been put on modelling of the process, both numerical and analytical I. As saidbefore, during the discharge process effects of verydistinct nature merge together, but it is commonlyaccepted that the thermal effect is the most important ofthem 2101, being other aspects such as the electricalforces less significant when it comes to the materialremoval mechanism. This is why thermal modelling ofEDM is one promising alternative, since a deepknowledge of the mechanisms involved in this process canbe acquired. If the discharge channel formed duringerosion, together with the material ejection are adequatelyrepresented by a thermal model, it will be possible tomake predictions of the material removal rate, surfacefinish and surface integrity, but it is at this point whendifficulties concerning the experimental characterization ofthe discharge process arise. The dispersion found inpublished models suggests that more researchhas to be carried out on this field.No doubt, the validity of thermal modelling tool relies onthe similarity between the modelled heat source and theactual discharge process. In this sense, special care hasto be taken when defining the heat input, and also whendetermining the discharge location criteria. In literature,two approaches to simulation can be found, one is centredin solving the thermal problem associated to the erosioncaused by a single discharge E 1 - 81, and the other isfocussed on the discharge location algorithm, as a tool forpredicting the shape of both workpiece and electrode afteran EDM operation The main drawbacks concerning thermal simulation ofsingle discharges are related to the fact that processconditions when carrying out single discharge experimentsdiffer substantially from those occurring during continuousEDM. Three are the arguments to consider that thosesituations have relevant differences. The first of them isthat single discharge experiments are performed onworkpieces whose surfaces do not show the roughnessprofiles characteristic of EDM-ed surfaces. The absenceof those irregularities may have effect on the dischargeprocess as well as on the material removal mechanism.The second reason is the presence of gas bubbles in theinterelectrode gap. Some researches reveal that a bigpercentage of the gap volume is filled with bubbles afterthe first instants of erosion, and that discharges developedin a gaseous medium differ from those that take place inliquid dielectric And finally, the third argumentto consider is the effect that the debris generated duringerosion has on the process. This debris reduces theinsulating properties of the dielectric medium and thereforeinfluences the discharge generation mechanism andlocation. It also increases the gap width, which affects thegeometrical precision of the manufactured pieces. On theother hand, those models focussed on the evolution of thegeometries of both workpiece and electrode during EDMoperations, through simulation of discharge locationalgorithms give useful information about process featuresat macroscopic scale, but cannot deal with the generationof surface roughness profiles, nor with the thermallyinduced damages, such as white layer formation, heataffected zones, residual stresses or microcrack formation.As previously mentioned, when developing a thermalmodel of EDM, the definition of discharge characteristicsmust be as realistic as possible, in order to obtain resultsthat can reflect the process outputs accurately. Thesecharacteristics can be summarized in three parameters:the amount of energy involved in the heating of theworkpiece material, growth law and size of the plasmachannel, and the material ejection mechanism.
《第16届国际电加工会议论文集(英文版)》:Organized by: Non-traditional Machining Society of CMESHosted by: Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityScientific sponsor: Scientific supporters: