英语作为一门国际性语言,已成为人们生活中不可缺少的工具。尤其在中国加入WTO0之后,对英语人才的需求无论在质量上还是在数量上飞速增长。回顾近20年中国英语教学的发展,我们已经取得了很大成就:教学大纲日臻完善与成熟,课程设置日趋合理,教材编写发展迅速,呈现一派百花齐放,百家争妍的大好局面。为中国的科学技术、社会经济发展和文化交流培养了大批英语人才。但是“我国目前的外语水平不高,教学方法普遍存在费时较多、收效较低的问题。”(李岚清)需要进一步拓宽我们的研究范围,探索新的研究途径,以提高中国英语学习者的学习效率,满足中国迅猛发展的需要。 长期以来,中国教师所受的培训主要侧重于如何教,教什么,而我们的研究也侧重于各种教学法、具体的教学方法、教材的编写和大纲的设计,而很少从学习的角度去研究中国的英语教学所面临的问题。近年来国际上二语习得研究的发展迅猛,取得了令人瞩目的成果。我国也有越来越多的学者从学生的视角研究中国的英语教学所面临的问题。中国英语学习者的二语习得研究在过去十多年间也得到了迅速的发展。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Significance of the present study 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Outline of the bookChapter 2 Curpus linguistics and inter'language studies 2.1 Corpus linguistics 2.2 Interlanguage 2.3 Learner corporaChapter 3 Tense and aspect acquisition and I inguisticfactor,s 3.1 Tense and aspect 3.2 The Present Perfect in English 3.3 Linguistic factors affecting tenseaspect acquisitionChapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Data description 4.3 Data codingChapter 5 Results 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Analysis of tenseaspect errors 5.3 Analysis of the present perfect variation 5.4 Effects of linguistic factors on present perfect variationChapter 6 Discussion 6.1 Semantic interpretation of the present perfect variation 6.2 The effects of linguistic factors on the present perfect variationChapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Summary of major findings 7.2 Implications 7.3 Suggestions for future researchAppendix 1 A sample text from CLECAppendix 2 Sampled data from tagged VP6 errors on English tenseaspectAppendix 3 Sampled data from the subjects' use of present perfectAppendix 4 Sampled diagnostic tests for lexical aspectBibliography
The second analysis looks at the distribution of the forms that thestudents supplied within each aspectual class when they did not supplythe present perfect.Statives and activities Figure 5-6 and 5-7 show the distribution of the simple present,simple past, pluperfect and other responses within the stative andactivity categories for the three groups. The present perfect responsesincluding both the hargetlike forms and non-targetlike attempts havebeen omitted from the figure in order to highlight the use of non-present-perfect forms. As can be seen from the figures, at the HS level, the maincompeting form for statives is the simple present, accounting for46.1% of the non-present-perfect responses for the stative category.The NM corpus presents a close distribution of present perfect variantsfor statives. For activities, there appears to be no notable alternativesto the present perfect except that the pluperfect takes the first placein the non-uses of the present perfect at the HS level. Moreover, bothFigure 5-6 and Figure 5-7 show that the proportional use of thesealternate forms declines as learners become more proficient with thepresent perfect.