

王春 上海交通大学出版社









  《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划配套教材·新世纪新编大学英语:快速阅读3》主要内容:  快速阅读能力是创新型、开拓型人才必须具备的一种能力。这种能力不是与生俱来的,而是通过专业培训与合理练习获得的。也就是说,通过一定的语言能力积累、心理承受能力的训练,并辅以科学、适当的方法,是可以掌握快速阅读的技巧与方法的。学会快速阅读,对于扩大阅读范围、增加词汇数量、丰富语言知识、增强英语语感大有裨益。


Unit 1Text A When Adventure Tourism KillsText B First Rule of the Ant Colony: No Hanky-PankyText C "Hotel for Dogs" Is Puppy ChowUnit 2Text A Is It Just Me? I.ets Stop Scaring Our KidsText B Reflections on the Surprises and Joys of Growing OlderText C How a Sudden Storm Turned into a Struggle for SurvivalUnit 3Text A If Women Were More Like Men: Why Females Earn LessText B Michelle bama Interview. Her Fathers DaughterText C Women, Ageing and HealthUnit 4Text A Princess of Monaco——Grace KellyText B The TrumansText C A I.ecture of a LifetimeUnit 5Text A Your Mother Is Moving in? Thats GreatText B Your Nest Is Empty? Enjoy Each OtherText C "What I Want for You and Every Child in America"Unit 6Text A An Adventurous Womans Fight Against CancerText B The Mystery of Borderline Personality DisorderText C Alternative Ways to Burn Calories and Build StrengthUnit 7Text A Should Students Be Paid for Good Grades?Text B Rhee Tackles Classroom ChallengeText C Employee Diversity Training Doesnt WorkUnit 8Text A Nepalese Porters May Be Worlds Most Efficient HaulersText B A Walk Through New Zealands Watery WildText C Melting Himalayan Glaciers May Doom TownsUnit 9Text A A Look at China: City of ShadowsText B The Queen Makes Her 56th Christmas Broadcast to theNationsText C Valentines DayUnit 10Text A Guaranteed Ways to Succeed at ResolutionsText B How to Set and Pursue Healthy Personal GoalsText C Meet My BossUnit 11Text A Occupational and Community NoiseText B Tech-ed up TeachersText C Stem Cell Research "Dream Team" Now CompleteUnit 12Text A Davos——World Economic ForumText B Quick Study: Dollar DoldrumsText C Barbie at 50: the Blonde Ambition Beneath the HardExteriorUnit 13Text A Fast Food Firms Taken to Task After Survey of StreetLitterText B Nutritional Insights on Saving MoneyText C U.S. Introduces a Revised Food PyramidUnit 14Text A Learning to Be Good EnoughText B The Triumph of the ReadersText C When the Patient Is a GooglerUnit 15Text A For Intimate Music, the Boldest of DesignsText B The Great Library Jefferson Began, and How It GrewText C Oscar Academy AwardUnit 16Text A Blood Safety and DonationText B East Brain, West BrainText C Minor Differences Mean a LotKey to Comprehension Exercises




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