

徐珺 编 上海交通大学出版社





徐珺 编  




  教育部2007年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》(以下简称《教学要求》),对大学英语教学目标做出了定性、定量的要求,并将大学英语教学分为三个层次:一般要求、较高要求和更高要求。具体如下表所示:  英语快速阅读能力的培养与提高是大学英语教学的重要内容,也是衡量大学生英语水平高低的重要指标。为进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,应对新形势、新挑战,我们依据教育部2007年的《教学要求》,以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,编写了这套《新世纪新编大学英语快速阅读》(以下简称《快速阅读》)。本套教材有助于学生在就业时和将来的工作、生活以及社会交往中,运用英语进行有效的口头和书面交流,同时增强学生的自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养。


  《新世纪新编大学英语:快速阅读(1)》内容新颖。所选文章均来自21世纪出版的国内外最新书籍、报刊以及互联网资源,致力于学生快速阅读能力与水平的提高。题材丰富。内容涉及语言、文化、经济、IT信息、求职、艺术、娱乐、名人演讲、体育、法律、医疗等学科领域以及社会热点问题。主题设计合理,融知识性、信息性、时代性、趣味性和实用性为一体。  难度适中。课与课之间、册与册之间的难度呈递进式,循序渐进。  练习题型灵活。既有判断题、信息填充题,也有综合题。客观题与主观题结合,便于学生自测。


Unit 1Text A A Housewarming PartyText B Nightlife: Put on Your Dancing ShoesText C Night Life in SingaporeUnit 2Text A Online Dating: Getting to Know Someone GraduallyText B Budget Dating: Cutting Costs Without Cutting FunText C A Great Marriage StoryUnit 3Text A Study Abroad Flourishes, with China a Hot SpotText B Getting Your Student VisaText C Lifelong LearningUnit 4Text A Preparing Answers in Advance for a Job InterviewText B Looking for a Job in Hard TimesText C Why Career Planning Is Time Wasted?Unit 5Text A Mix and Match: The Secret to Dressing WellText B Looking Good! A Plus-size Womans RevolutionText C My Smoky EyeUnit 6Text A The Secret to Staying YouthfulText B A Success StoryText C Recognizing Job BurnoutUnit 7Text A Grand Canyon Glass Skywalk OpensText B Why Go on a Trekking Holiday?Text C Hiking Hut-to-Hut in the AlpsUnit 8Text A Why Not Consider an Iguana for Your Next Pet?Text B Yellowstone——A Look ForwardText C Whale Watching in CaliforniaUnit 9Text A Easy Ecommerce——Opening Your Own Online BusinessText B Identity Theft CrimesText C Traditional Shopping vs. Online ShoppingUnit 10Text A Tennis Court Surfaces: Clay, Concrete and GrassText B SnowboardingText C My Skydiving StoryUnit 11Text A Magic Tricks That Everyone Can LearnText B The Crazy World of 3D AnimationText C Finding the Perfect Holiday HomeUnit 12Text A Oil Price in the FutureText B With Gas Price Falling, Trucks Come BackText C Left-overs from Food Production: Transportation Fuels of the Future?Unit 13Text A Greening Our InfrastructureText B Recycling and Reducing Paper UseText C Japan Races to Build Zero Emissions Electric CarUnit 14Text A Solid State Drives vs. Traditional Hard DrivesText B Improved PSP Gets Even Cooler New FeaturesText C The Truth Behind the Apple IPodUnit 15Text A The Sub-prime Lending CrisisText B What Can Climate Scientists Tell Us About the Future?Text C Natural Disaster ManagementUnit 16Text A Interesting Facts About...Text B The Kobe Bryant You Know and Dont KnowText C All Eyes on First Ladys WardrobeUnit 17Text A Are You Storing Food Safely?Text B Food Additives as Damaging as LeadText C The Global Water CrisisKey to Comprehension Exercises


  One way to reduce the number of trees being cut down for making paper is to recycle paper. In this process the recycled paper is turned back into pulp (纸浆). It gets mixed in with new pulp and turned into new types of paper. This is done so that the overall quality of the paper is still very good. When paper is recycled the fibers can weaken. Mixing them with new pulp improves the quality of the end product.  Paper recycling is simple because everyone uses paper and you are most likely to be able to find paper recycling bins around the community. In addition to recycling the paper you use in your daily activities, reducing the amount of paper you consume is beneficial as well.  A great way of reducing paper use is to go paperless as much as possible. Just about every bank, utility company, mortgage company, and credit card group offers a paperless way to take care of business. Paying bills and managing accounts online save the paper the invoices and statements are printed on as well as save you the expense of a postal stamp. While no one wants to run the postal workers out of jobs, it just makes more sense to take care of business online wherever possible. Its faster for you, saves tons of paper, and saves money in postal costs.




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