虞兰,易霞妮 主编
中国汽车工业近年来的迅猛发展,受到全世界瞩目。从1998年到2008年的10年中,有9年都是以10%以上的速度增长,中国现已成为与北美、欧洲和日本并重的世界汽车市场。截止2009年上半年,全国汽车保有量为6963万辆;而在2000年,这个数字是1 609万辆,9年中增长了3倍多。 中国在迈向成熟的汽车社会的进程中,不仅需要汽车设计与制造人才,更需要的是汽车商务(营销)人才。上海大学巴士汽车学院在十年前建院伊始,就在全国率先创办了汽车商务(营销)专业,除了注重培训学生的专业知识外,还十分注重专业英语的教学,以使学生适应日渐国际化的汽车产业。我院在2001年编写了《汽车专业英语》一书,用于汽车运用工程专业和汽车商务(营销)专业学生的专业英语学习。但《汽车专业英语》对于汽车商务(营销)专业学生而言,缺少有关汽车商务(营销)类英文文献,而市面上也一直缺乏适用的汽车商务(营销)专业英语教材。在近年来的针对汽车商务(营销)专业学生的专业英语教学中,我院教师增补了相关的汽车车型介绍、销售、信贷、保险和租赁等方面的资料。因此,在多年的教学实践的基础上,我院副教授虞兰女士主持编写了这本《汽车商务英语》,供汽车商务(营销)类的学生使用,并期望以此对提高汽车商务(营销)类学生的专业英语与汽车商务能力提供帮助。
本书以汽车商务及汽车营销专业学生所必须掌握的汽车知识与汽车营销知识为出发点,选编了汽车及汽车产业、车型分类、汽车构造、技术参数、配置和汽车驾驶常识,以及汽车品牌专卖店的介绍、汽车销售过程与技巧、二手车销售、汽车广告与促销、汽车保险和汽车租赁等方面的内容。全书共19章,每章的内容包括课文、生词与术语、注释、练习和阅读材料。 本书可作为汽车营销和汽车商务专业的在校本科生及高职学生专业英语课程教材,亦可供汽车商务和汽车营销从业人员及汽车爱好者参考。
Chapter One Automobiles Chapter Two Car Body TypesChapter Three Automotive Engine OperationChapter Four Automotive Engine ConstructionChapter Five Chassis (Ⅰ)Chapter Six Chassis ( Ⅱ ) Chapter Seven Instrument Panel, Vehicle Escutcheon and Technical SpecificationsChapter Eight Car EquipmentChapter Nine Basic Skills, Laws and Safety on Driving CarsChapter Ten Merchandising Vehicles through Franchised DealershipsChapter Eleven Responsibilities of Automotive Sales ProfessionalsChapter Twelve Car-Sale ProcessChapter Thirteen Car-Sale TechniquesChapter Fourteen Used Vehicle SalesChaPter Fifteen Automotive Financing and InsuranceChapter Sixteen Car Renting and LeasingChapter Seventeen Automotive Advertising and Sales PromotionChapter Eighteen Business EtiquetteChapter Nineteen Automotive Sales DocumentationAppendix Ⅰ VocabularyAppendix Ⅱ The Common Abbreviations of Automotive BusinessAppendix Ⅲ Answers to the ExercisesREFERENCES
Any automobile is composed of four sections: the engine, chassis, body and electrical system. An engine is used to supply power for an automobile. Generally, an automobile is operatedby an intemal combustion engine. The intemal combustion engine burns fuel within the cylindersand converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle. The automotive chassis provides the strength necessary to support the vehicular componentsand the payload placed upon it. The term "chassis" comprises a total assembly beginning withpower train, going on to steering, wheel suspension, brakes and even tires. The suspensionsystem contains the springs, the shock absorbers, and other components that allow the vehicleto pass over uneven terrain without an excessive amount of shock reaching the passengers orcargo. The steering mechanism is an integral portion of the chassis, as it provides the operatorwith a means of controlling the direction of travel. The tires grip the road surface to providegood traction that enables the vehicle to accelerate, brake, and make turns without skidding.Working in conjunction with the suspension, the tires absorb most of the shocks caused by roadirregularities. The body of the vehicle encloses the mechanical components and passenger compartment.It is made of relatively light sheet metal or composite plastics. The components which make upthe chassis are held together in proper relation to each other by the frame. An auto body usuallyconsists of a driving room, a passenger or loading room and possibly a trunk. The electrical system of the automobile was, at first limited to the ignition equipment.However, electric lights and horns began to replace the kerosene and acetylene lights and thebulb horns with the advent of the electric starter on a 1912 model. Electrification was rapid andcomplete, and, by 1930, six-volt systems were standard everywhere. The electrical system,which is considered an auto electric power source, supplies lighting and driving power for theautomobile. The electrical system consists of a storage battery, generator, starting (cranking)motor, lighting system, ignition system, and various accessories and controls.