

孙晓曦 著 上海交通大学出版社





孙晓曦 著  




  在语言发展的早期,语用系统占有重要的地位。语言技能中的语言运用因素也是全面了解语言系统发展过程全貌的一个重要因素。这一点在语言学界早已达成共识。但尽管如此,有关语用能力(pragmatic competence)习得方面的研究工作极少,尤其在我国,现有文献中针对英语初学者第二语言语用能力发展的研究还很缺乏。为弥补这一缺憾,本研究描述和探索了母语为汉语的小学生英语语用能力的发展过程。  本书研究的具体问题为:  (1)母语为汉语的小学生英语语用能力呈现出怎样的发展趋势?  (2)母语为汉语的小学生英语语用能力的发展呈现哪些特点?  (3)母语为汉语的小学生英语语用能力的发展受何种因素影响?这些因素又是如何影响学生英语语用能力发展的?  全书分为八个章节。第一章为导论,阐述了第二语言语用能力研究的背景、目的和意义。第二章为理论背景,介绍了第二语言语用能力研究的历史,语用能力、交际行为的定义,交际行为评价表——精简版(INCA-A)的理论依据及特点,语用能力发展的其他指标,如交际策略、程式化语言,影响第二语言语用能力发展的因素等。第三章介绍了本研究所采用的方法,即数据收集和分析的过程。第四章是定量研究,即根据不同年级小学生的交际行为频率变化,揭示其第二语言语用能力发展过程的特点。第五章是定性研究,即通过实例分析,描述不同年级小学生交际行为的特点及模式,进而探讨其第二语言语用能力发展。






1 Introduction  1.1 Background   1.2 Research background of the present study   1.3 Research objective and outline of the book  2 The Pragmatic and Acquisitional Perspectives on L2 Pragmatics  2.1 Introduction   2.2 A pragmatic perspective   2.3 Other indexes of L2 pragmatic development   2.4 A second language acquisitional perspective-influence of L2 grammatical competence   2.5 Summary  3 Research Design  3.1 Introduction   3.2 Research questions   3.3 Procedures of data collection and transcription   3.4 Data analysis   3.5 Summary  4 Developmental Pattern of Chinese Children EFL Learners' Performance of CAs  4.1 Introduction   4.2 General measures of chinese Children EFL learners pragmatic competence   4.3 Repertoire of social interchanges engaged in by children   4.4 Repertoire of speech acts engaged in by children   4.5 English pragmatic flexibility of children   4.6 Summary  5 Developmental Characteristics of Chinese Children EFL Learners' Performance of CAs  5.1 Introduction   5.2 Examination of CA at the social interchange level across the four grades   5.3 Examination of CA at the speech act level across the four grades   5.4 Examination of CA at the social interchange-speech act combination level across the four grades   5.5 Summary  6 Other Indexes of Chinese Children EFL Learners' Pragmatic Development  6.1 Introduction   6.2 Strategies used by Chinese children EFL learners in performing the speech acts of request and apology  6.3 Formulaic speech in children's utterances   6.4 Summary  7 The Factor Influencing 1-2 Pragmatic DeveloPment of Chinese Children EFL Learners  7.1 Introduction   7.2 The effect of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the interchange level   7.3 The influence of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the speech act level   7.4 The effect of L2 grammatical competence on L2 pragmatic development at the combination level   7.5 Summary  8 Conclusion and Implications  8.1 Introduction   8.2 Conclusion   8.3 Implications  References


  In order to work on the development of pragmatic competence in children, Rose (2000) conducted a study of pragmatic development in production of request, apology and compliment response by three different proficiency groups of ESL students in a primary school. By adopting a cartoon-based, oral-production tasks, Rose provided the evidence that the high-proficiency learners tended to use more indirect request strategies, more supportive moves in apologizing, more apology adjuncts and more compliment-response adjuncts. Developmental studies of pragmatic comprehension in L2  Compared to the studies on pragmatic production, there are fewer studies on the development of ESL or EFL learners ability to comprehend the communicative meaning. A series of longitudinal studies of this kind were conducted by Bouton (1988, 1989, 1992, 1994) who took four and a half years to track how his participants (who were NNSs of English) gradually developed the ability to understand implicature in English. The data from the studies informed him that there was a developmental sequence in the interpreting of implicature.  One of the earlier cross-sectional studies on development of pragmatic comprehension was conducted by Carrell (1981). In order to find a possible degree of difficulty in understanding indirect requests, Carrell chose learners at four proficiency levels——low-intermediate, intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced, and asked them to interpret a single request which was expressed in different forms varying from the positive to negative and to the ones with complex syntactic structures. It seemed that all of the four groups could interpret the requests in simple positive or negative forms, but the lower proficiency level did have difficulty in understanding the requests in syntactically complex forms, which indicated a hierarchy of difficulty.






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