Michael Grafe
Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry collects the proceedings of the 2nd Sino-German Workshop on the same topic held in Shanghai on April 16-17, 2009. The papers focus on the latest Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR) technology and its application in industrial processes and presents readers with innovative methods, typical case studies and the latest information on VR/AR basic research results and industrial applications, such as 3D rendering, innovative human-machine design, VR/AR methodology and new tools for assisting in industry, virtual assembly, virtual factory, training and education, etc. The book is intended for computer scientists, IT engineers as well asresearchers in Mechanical Engineering.
Dr. Dengzhe Ma and Dr. Xiumin Fan are both professors at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Design and VR/AR-based Testing of Advanced Mechatronic Systems Jtirgen Gausemeier, Jan Berssenbrtigge, Michael Grafe, Sascha Kahl and HeleneWassmannFrom Space to the Forest and to Construction Sites: Virtual TestbedsPave the Way for New Technologies Jtirgen Ro[~mannCollaborative Virtual Assembly Operation Simulation and ItsApplication Dengzhe Ma, Xijin Zhen, Yong Hu, Dianliang Wu, Xiumin Fan and Hongmin ZhuIntegration of Realtime Ray Tracing into Interactive ~irtual RealitySystems Hilko Hoffmann, Dmitri Rubinstein, Alexander L~ffler,Michael Repplinger and Philipp SlusallekInstantreality -- A Framework for Industrial Augmented and VirtualReality Applications Johannes Behr, Ulrich Bockholt and Dieter FellnerInteractive Simulation Data Exploration in Virtual Environments Marc Wolter, Thomas Beer, Philippe Cerfontaine, Berndentschel an~[ TorstenKuhlenDigital Olympic Museum and Sports Simulation Zhigeng Pan, Ruwei Yun
版权页:插图:The RailCab can show a quite complex behavior, e.g. when a RailCab joins orleaves a convoy. These processes elapse fast and involve numerous variables anddata, making it difficult for the engineer to comprehend the course of action andto maintain an overview of the whole procedure.Some prototypes of the RailCab components, e.g. the test bed for RailCab'sundercarriage, operate swiftly and their parts mostly move by merely a fewmillimeters. For the engineer, such tiny motion is hard to perceive.For the development of an advanced mechatronic system like the RailCab, we firstapply the specification technique, which is introduced in the previous section, to definea principle solution of the RailCab. Based on the principle solution, we then developnumerous virtual prototypes and test beds for real prototypes, in order to analyze andevaluate the behavior of selected RailCab components and modules. However, theanalysis and evaluation of the RailCab and its components can get complex and time-consuming, due to two main reasons.