王哲希 著
本书以中国大学生为研究对象,通过两项实验比较了添加于英语阅读的目标词注释和文本强化等输入强化、使用目标词填空和翻译句子等输出任务以及同时使用输入强化和输出任务对于不同词汇量水平的学习者英语词汇习得的影响。本书以二语习得的信息加工模型为理论框架讨论了实验结果,提出了输入强化和输出任务作用下阅读中词汇加工和习得的模型,证实了输出在二语习得中的注意功能,特别指出了注意形式-意义关联问题在词汇习得中的重要性,其研究发现为大学英语泛读课程的教学和阅读材料的准备提供了启示。 本书可供第二语言习得研究者和外语教师参考使用。
Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Theoretical Framework 2.1 Cognitive approach and information processing model 2.2 L2 lexical processing for comprehension and production 2.3 Vocabulary knowledge and testingChapter 3 Studies on Vocabulary Learning through Reading 3.1 Incidental vocabulary learning through extensive reading 3.2 Incidental vocabulary learning through extensive reading for adult FL learners 3.3 Possible solutions to vocabulary learning for adult FL learners 3.4 Instructional interventions with vocabulary learning through readingChapter 4 Research DesignChapter 5 Effects of Glossing and the Blank-filling Task on Vocabulary Learning through Reading 5.1 Research hypotheses 5.2 Research methods 5.3 Data analysis and results 5.4 Discussion 5.5 Tentative conclusionChapter 6 Effects of Textual Enhancement and the Sentence Translation Task on Vocabulary Learning through Reading 6.1 Research questions and hypotheses 6.2 Research methods 6.3 Data analysis and results 6.4 Discussion 6.5 Tentative conclusionChapter 7 General Discussion 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Effects of input enhancement on lexical processing in reading 7.3 Lexical processing for output tasksChapter 8 Conclusion 8.1 Conclusion of the study 8.2 Implications 8.3 Limitations of the study and directions for further researchAppendix Means and standard deviations for frequency of use of strategies for dealing with target wordsReferences