1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Hot Research Topics 1.3 Outline of the Book References 2 RecentAdvances 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Waves Propagat.ing over a Porous Seabed: Theoretical Models.(Transient Mechanism) 2.2.1 Un-coupled Models (or Drained Models) 2.2.2 Biot's Consolidation Model(Quasi-Static Model) 2.2.3 u-p Approximation 2.2.4 DynamicModels 2.2.5 Poro-ElastoplasticModels 2.3 Waves Propagating over a Porous Seabed: Theoretical Model(Residual Mechanism) 2.4 Waves Propagating over a Porous Seabed: Physical Modeling 2.4.1 FieldMeasurements 2.4.2 LaboratoryExperiments 2.5 Waves Propagating over a Porous Seabed: Wave Damping and Seepage Fluxi a Porous Seabed 2.5.1 Wave Damping in a xin Sediments 2.5.2 Wave-Driven Seepage Fluxir 2.6 Wave-Induced Seabedlnstability 2.6.1 ShearFailure 2.6.2 Liquefaction References 3 Wave-Induced Soil Response in anlsotropic Seabed 3.1 Introduction 3.2 A Short-Crested Wave System 3.3 Boundary Value Problem 3.3.1 Governing Equations 3.3.2 Boundary Conditions 3.4 GeneraI Solutions 3.4.1 Basic Theoretical Framework 3.4.2 Soil Responsein a Seabed of lnfinite Thickness 3.4.3 Soil Response in a Porous Seabed of Finite Thickness 3.4.4 Soil Response in a Layered Seabed 3.4.5 LimitingTwo-DimensionaIConditions 3.4.6 A Special Case: Fully Saturated Isotropic Seabed of lnfinite Thickness 3.5 Verification 3.5.1 Comparison with Two-Dimensional Experimental Data 3.5.2 Comparison with Two-DimensionalAnalyticaISolutions 3.5.3 Comparison with Numerical Model [18, 40,411 3.6 Results and Discussion 3.6.1 Effect ofWave Characteristics 3.6.2 Effect of Soil Characteristics 3.6.3 Effect of a Combined Obliquity-Permeability Parameter 3.6.4 Effect of a Top Layer 3.7 Summary 3.8 List ofCoefficients Bi and Ci References 4 Wave-Induced Seabedlnstability 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Shear Failure 4.2.1 Principal Stresses 4.2.2 Mohr-Coulomb's Criterion 4.3 Soil Liquefaction 4.3.1 Excess Pore Pressure 4.3.2 Criteria of Liquefaction 4.3.3 SeepageForce 4.4 Wave-Induced Seabedlnstability 4.4.1 Effect of Wave Characteristics 4.4.2 Effect of Soil Characteristics 4.4.3 Effect of Combined Obliquity-Permeability Parameter 4.4.4 TemporalVariationinWave-InducedLiquefaction 4.5 Seabed Protection 4.5.1 Effects of a Top Layer 4.5.2 Methodology of SeabedP rotection 4.6 Summary References …… 5 Wave-Induced Seabed Response in Non-homogeneous Anisotropic Seabed 6 Dynanuc Analysis for Wave-seabed Interaction 7 Wave Propagation over Coulomb-Damped Seabed 8 Random Wave-Induced Seabed Response 9 Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Accumulation in Marine Sediments 10 Wave-Induced Progressive Liquefaction in a Porous Seabed Index
版权页: 插图: Thomas' model [43, 44]: Using two-nodal elements, only an isotropic seabedwith uniform permeability and Young's modulus subject two-dimensional waveswas considered in the mathematical derivation of his first paper [43]. In his secondpapers [44], the model verification includes the comparison between his modeland the previous analytical solutions for a seabed of infinite thickness [30, 51].Both single and two-layered seabed are considered. It is noted that the soil response in Gibson soil was mentioned in his paper [44]. However, Thomas [44]only directly modified the analytical solution for a saturated semi-infinite seabedfor a semi-infinite Gibson soil by G' = dG/dz, without modifying the originalgoverning equations. As presented in later section, variable modulus will resultin few extra items in the governing equations. Thus, treating the soil response inGibson soil by simply modifying G to G' = dG/dz may not be a rigorous way.Furthermore, Thomas' model didn't include the influences of either variable soilcharacteristics (such as permeability and Young's modulus) or cross-anisotropicsoil behavior, which is one of the main concerns in this study.Jeng's model [15, 21, 24, 26]: A series of closed form analytical solutions havebeen developed by the first author for the wave-induced seabed response in thevicinity of a vertical wall. In his models, both isotropic and cross-anisotropicseabeds have been considered with infinite and finite thickness, as well as a lay-ered medium. The influence of variable permeability in an isotropic seabed hasalso been discussed [24, 26].