“七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时:在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。”这是唐代白居易《长恨歌》中写唐明皇和杨贵妃海誓山盟的名句。唐皇和杨妃轻歌曼舞、生离死别的爱情故事,在中国流传了一千多年,最著名的剧本是这部清代洪升著的《长生殿》。林语堂认为洪升的生花妙笔才能使“此恨绵绵”,“天长地久”。陈寅恪却认为唐皇对杨妃的爱情,朝欢暮乐,“从此君王不早朝”,是中国黄金时代由盛转衰的关键,因为“玉颜自古关兴废”。不但中国如此,西方也有例证,法国哲学家巴斯加就说过:埃及女王克柳葩的鼻子假如高了一公分,世界历史就要改写,因为假如她不是那么美艳,古罗马的凯撒大帝就不会坠入爱河,大将安东尼也不会“不爱江山爱美人”,那西方的古代史就要重写了。 埃及女王克柳葩比杨贵妃要早几百年,和克柳葩同时的中国美人有汉武帝的李夫人,她的哥哥李延年为她写了一首诗: 北方有佳人,绝世而独立。 一顾倾人城,再顾倾入国。
序第一本第一出 传概第二出 定情第三出 贿权第四出 春睡第五出 禊游第二本第一出 傍讶第二出 幸恩第三出 献发第四出 复召第五出 疑谶第三本第一出 闻乐第二出 制谱第三出 权讧第四出 偷曲第五出 进果第六出 舞盘第四本第一出 合围第二出 夜怨第三出 絮阁第四出 侦报第五出 窥浴第六出 密誓第五本第一出 陷关第二出 惊变第三出 埋玉
with unpowdered face. When His Majesty visited the River Bend the other day, we were told to follow in his train. While my two sisters were feasted in the pavilion outside, I was summoned into the vernal palace to attend the emperor. Then I won his favor. Though the emperor is fond of me, I am afraid slanderers may speak against me. So when His Majesty asked me to accompany him to the palace yesterday, I declined the favor and came back. When I think it over, I still feel how fortunate I was. (Singing to the tune of "Word on Word in Brocade"): This was a favor sent from high above; It's surely Fate that destined us to love. The golden cage was open "neath the flower; I was trapped like a phoenix in his bower. Under the torches red Wine flowed and cups were passed on tables spread. With wine cups near, The emperor whispered in my ear:"Make haste! There is no time to waste." Then I was led To curtained bed. In the curtained bed it would seem Happy as in a dream. He brought fresh shower For my thirsting flower; O We were so near heart to heart That we would never part. ……