许卉艳、李丽君、 孙杰 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 (2010-09出版)
许卉艳 等 著
TEST 1PartAPart BTEST 2PartAPart BTEST 3PartAPart BTEST 4Part APart BTEST 5PartAPart BTEST 6Part APart BTEST 7PartAPart BTEST 8PartAPart BTEST 9PartAPart BTEST 10PartAPart BTEST 11PartAPart BTEST 12PartAPart BTEST 13PartAPart BTEST 14PartAPart BTEST 15PartAPart BTEST 16PartAPart B
Thanks to more than 50 years of research, we know how to change children's behavior. Inbrief, you identify the unwanted behavior, define its positive opposite (the desirable behavior youwant to replace it with), and then make sure that your child engages in a lot of reinforced practiceof the new behavior until it replaces the unwanted one. Reinforced practice means that you pay asmuch attention as possible to the positive opposite so that your child falls into a pattern: Do theright behavior, get a reward (praise or a token); do the behavior, get a reward. Real life is never asmechanically predictable as that formula makes it sound, and many other factors will bear on yoursuccess——including your relationship with your child, what behaviors you model in your home, andwhat influences your child is exposed to in other relationships——but, still, we know that reinforcedpractice usually works.1 If you handle the details properly, in most cases a relatively brief periodof intense attention to the problem, lasting perhaps a few weeks, should be enough to work apermanent change in behavior.
2010考研英语阅读理解80篇考前冲刺(北京新航道学校考研英语培训教材)-新航道英语学习丛书 PDF格式下载