一部文学史是人类从童真走向成熟的发展史,是一个个文学大师用如椽巨笔记载的人类的心灵史,也是承载人类良知与情感反思的思想史。阅读这些传世的文学名著就是在阅读最鲜活生动的历史,就是在与大师们做跨越时空的思想交流与情感交流,它会使一代代的读者获得心灵的滋养与巨大的审美满足。 中国对外翻译出版公司以中外语言学习和中外文化交流为自己的出版方向,向广大读者提供既能提升语言能力,又能滋养心灵的精神大餐是我们的一贯宗旨。尽管随着网络技术和数字出版的发展,读者获得这些作品的途径更加便捷,但是,一本本装帧精关、墨香四溢的图书仍是读书人的最爱。 “熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”,汉语学习如此,外语学习尤其如此。要想彻底学好一种语言,必须有大量的阅读。这不仅可以熟能生巧地掌握其语言技能,也可了解一种语言所承载的独特文化。“中译经典文库?世界文学名著(英语原著版)”便是这样一套必将使读者受益终生的读物。
Chapter 1 Chiswick MallChapter 2 In Which Miss Sharp and Miss Sedley Prepare to Open the CampaignChapter 3 Rebecca Is in Presence of the EnemyChapter 4 The Green Silk PurseChapter 5 Dobbin of OursChapter 6 VauxhallChapter 7 Crawley of Queens CrawleyChapter 8 Private and ConfidentialChapter 9 Family PortraitsChapter 10 Miss Sharp Begins to Make FriendsChapter 11 Arcadian SimplicityChaPter 12 Quite a Sentimental ChapterChapter 13 Sentimental and OtherwiseChapter 14 Miss Crawley at HomeChapter 15 In Which Rebeccas Husband Appears for a Short TimeChapter 16 The Letter on the PincushionChapter 17 How Captain Dobbin Bought a PianoChapter 18 Who Played on the Piano Captain Dobbin Bought?Chapter 19 Miss Crawley at NurseChapter 20 In Which Captain Dobbin Acts as the Messenger of HymenChapter 21 A Quarrel about an HeiressChapter 22 A Marriage and Part of a HoneymoonChapter 23 Captain Dobbin Proceeds on His CanvassChapter 24 In Which Mr. Osborne Takes Downthe Family BibleChapter 25 In Which All the Principal Personages Think Fit to Leave BrightonChapter 26 Between London and ChathamChapter 27 In Which Amelia Joins Her RegimentChapter 28 In Which Amelia Invades the Low CountriesChapter 29 BrusselsChapter 30 "The Girl I Left behind Me"Chapter 31 In Which Jos Sedley Takes Care of His SisterChapter 32 In Which Jos Takes Flight, and the War Is Brought to a CloseChapter 33 In Which Miss Crawleys Relations Are Very Anxious about HerChapter 34 James Crawleys Pipe Is Put OutChapter 35 Widow and MotherChapter 36 How to Live Well on Nothing a YearChapter 37 The Subject ContinuedChapter 38 A Family in a Very Small WayChapter 39 A Cynical ChapterChapter 40 In Which Becky Is Recognized by the FamilyChapter 41 In Which Becky Revisits the Halls of Her AncestorsChapter 42 Which Treats of the Osborne FamilyChapier 43 In Which the Reader Has to Double the CapeChapter 44 A Roundabout Chapter between London and HampshireChapter 45 Between Hampshire and LondonChapter 46 Struggles and TrialsChapter 47 Gaunt HouseChapter 48 In Which the Reader Is Introduced to the Very Best of CompanyChapter 49 In Which We Enjoy Three Courses and a DessertChapter 50 Contains a Vulgar IncidentChapter 51 In Which a Charade Is Acted Which May or May Not Puzzle the ReaderChapter 52 In Which Lord Steyne Shows Himself in a Most Amiable LightChapter 53 A Rescue and a CatastropheChapter 54 Sunday after the BattleChapier 55 In Which the Same Subject Is PursuedChapter 56 Georgy is Made a GentlemanChapter 57 EothenChapter 58 Our Friend the MajorChapter 59 The Old PianoChapter 60 Returns to the Genteel WorldChapter 61 In Which Two Lights Are Put OutChapter 62 Am RheinChapter 63 In Which We Meet an Old AcquaintanceChapter 64 AVagabond ChapterChapter 65 Full of Business and PleasureChapter 66 Amantium IraChapter 67 Which Contains Births, Marriages,and Deaths
This letter completed, Miss Pinkerton proceeded to write her own name, and Miss Sedleys, in the fly-leaf of a Johnsons Dictionary-the interesting work which she invariably presented to her scholars on their departure from the Mall. On the cover was inserted a copy of "Lines addressed to a young lady on quitting Miss Pinkertons school, at the Mall; by the late revered Doctor Samuel Johnson." In fact, the Lexicographers name was always on the lips of this majestic woman, and a visit he had paid to her was the cause of her reputation and her fortune. Being commanded by her elder sister to get "the Dictionary" from the cupboard, Miss Jemima had extracted two copies of the book from the receptacle in question. When Miss Pinkerton had finished the inscription in the first, Jemima, with rather a dubious and timid air, handed her the second. "For whom is this, Miss Jemima?" said Miss Pinkerton, with awful coldness. "For Becky Sharp," answered Jemima, trembling very much, and blushing over her withered face and neck, as she turned her back on her sister. "For Becky Sharp: shes going too." "MISS JEMIMA!" exclaimed Miss Pinkerton, in the largest capitals. Are you in your senses? Replace the Dixonary in the closet, and never enture to take such a liberty in future." "Well, sister, its only two-and-ninepence, and poor Becky will be iserable if she dont get one." "Send Miss Sedley instantly to me," said Miss Pinkerton. And so, enturing not to say another word, poor Jemima trotted off, exceedingly lurried and nervous. Miss Sedleys papa was a merchant in London, and a man of some ealth; whereas Miss Sharp was an articled pupil, for whom Miss inkerton had done, as she thought, quite enough, without conferring upon er at parting the high honour of the Dixonary.