Who the heck is Saussure?
Hey,professor,if you are so smart, what's the ten word summary for Saussure's thoughts?
These are the very sorf of questions that I wanted to know but I was afraid to ask.
In the beginning were Signs(no allusion to Bible!)
The further reading list brought me to Saussure. I swear to God it's
really a bad read. It wasn't until recently that I finished John Culler's title of Saussure should I have the basic understanding of Saussure's thoughts.
Dude, mind you, it is not the nerdy professor but the jocky myself comes up with a ten word summary for Saussure's thoughts aided by Culler's book. Let's back to the square one.
Q: Who the heck is Saussure?
A: Saussure is just a proper name! Or at its best a sign with "signifier" and "signified". Signifier is the name Saussure, and Signified is the very person that this name refers to!
So far so good, Saussure's top-priority emphasis on sighs is that the relation between signifier and signified is arbitrary? What does this mean? Ok, it means why Saussure's name is Saussure is arbitrary. That said, no inherent logic! I admit that it is my inability to trace the etymology of the name Saussure that I make a virtue of ommission.
Q: What's the ten word summary for Saussure's thoughts?
A: Signifier,signified,arbitrariness,diachrony,synchrony,value,language,speech,syntagm, thingamomword?