概术List of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Preliminary remarks 1.2 The commitment of the study 1.3 The story of irony 1.3.1 Origin 1.3.2 Irony in Chinese context 1.3.3 Classification 1.3.4 Uses and functions 1.3.5 Summary of the section 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Methodological issues 1.5.1 Lead-in remarks 1.5.2 Research phases 1.6 Data 1.7 Structure of the dissertation 1.8 SummaryChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical survey 2.2.1 Greek 2.2.2 Latins 2.2.3 Mediaeval and Renaissance 2.2.4 Early modern times 2.2.5 Modern times 2.2.6 Brief summary 2.3 Theoretical survey abroad 2.3.1 Initial remarks 2.3.2 Non-cognitive-pragmatic studies 2.3.3 Cognitive-pragmatic studies 2.3.4 Summary 2.4 Research in Chinese context 2.4.1 Preliminaries 2.4.2 Chronological survey 2.5 Remaining crucial problem 2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework 3.1 Preliminaries 3.2 Methodological constraints 3.3 Theoretical background of the present study 3.3.1 Main assumptions of cognitive linguistics 3.3.2 A brief survey of cognitive pragmatics 3.3.3 Theories of human cognitive abilities 3.4 Towards a unified theoretical framework 3.4.1 MM-based pragmatic reasoning 3.4.2 Explicit expression-implicit expression inference 3.4.3 Autonomy-dependence alignment 3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Issues of Definition and TaxonomyChapter 5 Irony as a cognitive-pragmaticChapter 6 Mechanism of the Use of irony RedescribedChapter 7 ConclusionDictionaries and Encyclopedias ReferredBibliographyIndex后记
In Chapter 3 we attempted a mechanism of the use of irony. Thischapter will revisit the mechanism. irony is a particularly tricky trope in that the meaning of an obvi-ously bland statement of fact under certain circumstances can be re-versed to its opposite direetion. Thus we can assume the use of irony isa complex process which arouses my interest to explore and formulatethe rules governing this proeess. Based on the previous observations aswell as on extensions of relevant theories, we described the framework ofMM-based Pragmatic Reasoning in Chapter 3, whieh we intend as thebasis to build up the meehanism underlying the use of irony( productionand interpretation). MM-based Pragmatic Reasoning is an integratedmodel, whieh is in turn made up of two eomponents," autonomy - de-pendence alignment framework" and "explicit expression - implicit ex-pression inference framework". ……