外交评论=Foreign Affairs Review
赵进军 编
Conceptual Change in the Development of China‘S Diplomacy——From a Revolutionary and National Perspective to a Progressiveand Global Perspective,ontemporary China within and beyond the Traditions:Political Leadership,Foreign Policy and Chinese Characteristics,China,S Diplomacy:60 Years of Experience and Enlightenment,China,S Diplomacy Has Improved China’S International Image,Reflections on the Development of a Chinese Theory ofDiplomacy,An Analysis of China‘S Diplomatic Capacity——A Perspective of Integrating Domestic and International Politics60 Years of Evolution in the OveralI Arrangement of NewChina’S Diplomacy等。
Conceptual Change in the Development of China‘S Diplomacy——From a Revolutionary and National Perspective to a Progressiveand Global Perspective Zhang Baijia 3Contemporary China within and beyond the Traditions:Political Leadership,Foreign Policy and Chinese Characteristics Shi Yinhong 11China,S Diplomacy:60 Years of Experience and Enlightenment Niu Jun18China,S Diplomacy Has Improved China’S International Image Zhou Qi 27Reflections on the Development of a Chinese Theory ofDiplomacy Qin Yaqing 37An Analysis of China‘S Diplomatic Capacity——A Perspective of Integrating Domestic and International Politics Su Changhe 6360 Years of Evolution in the OveralI Arrangement of NewChina’S Diplomacy——A Textual Analysis of the Political Reports to the CPC NationalCongresses Zhang Qingmin 81On the Diplomatic Functions of the National People‘S Congress Wang Chunying 99East Asian Cooperation.Where to Go Next? Zhang Yunling 122The Obama Administration’S Policy toward China:Trends andProspects Yuan Peng 137China and Europe:Constructive Engagement Needed Feng Zhongping 151Effective Responses to New Situations:Healthy and StableChina-Japan Relations Yang Bojiang 161
China’S foreign policy is,in fact,formulated under theguidance of these two fundamental principles.Shortlyafter the founding of the People’S Republic of China,aforeign policy of“leaning to one side”was adopted,whichpredominated China’S external relations.This aroused doubtsamong some people as to the indeDendence Of New China.The policy decision of“leaning to one side”was made in thecontext of the Cold War。and what was special about it wasthat there was marked unity then between the ideology ofthe CPC and China’S national interests.In pursuing SUCh apolicy,China largely achieved its initial foreign policy goals,including gaining international recognition,consolidatingits national security,obtaining foreign aid,etc.Historically,China‘S foreign policy during a specific period of time was in no way an indicator of whether the country was independent or not.Its emphasis on adherence to the higher principle ofindependence while“leaning to one side”set the orientation of China’S diplomacy in later years. In the first years of its history,the People’S Republic began exploring diplomatic advancement in many aspects simultaneously.It was not a learning process likely to end soon,for the Cold War made it highly complex.The greatest perplexitv facing Chinese decision makers was hOW to viewthe development of international events:were American-Soviet relations tending toward d6tente or tension.and what was the nature of and prospect for international revolution?As a matter of fact,until the 1 960s,China found it hard to draw any conclusions on both issues.It is clear nOW that after the end of the Korean War.American-Soviet relations alternated between d6tente and tension,which ended withthe disintegratiOn 0f the Soviet Union.The revolutionsthat erupted after the Second World War were mostly anti-imperi~ist and anti-colonialist revolutions aimed at national independence. ……
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