中华人民共和国外交部政策规划司 编
The year 2009 had special historical significance, as it marked the60th anniversary of both the founding of the Peoples Republic of Chinaand New Chinas diplomacy. The Chinese people celebrated the 60thbirthday of the Peoples Republic and successfully dealt with theunprecedented international financial crisis. Chinas international standingrose further and its role and influence in the world received more attentionthan ever. The year 2009 was a fruitful year for Chinas diplomacy. In the faceof complex and profound changes in the international situation, wefocused on addressing the financial crisis and used multilateral summits asthe principal platform of our diplomatic efforts. Drawing on innovation indiplomatic theory and practice as a key driving force and adoptingcoordination as our fundamental approach, we seized opportunities andaddressed challenges coming our way. We stepped up efforts to handlerelations with major countries, grew amicable and friendly relations withour neighbors in an all-round way, deepened solidarity and cooperationwith other developing countries, advanced multilateral diplomacy andintensified efforts to strengthen economic, security, public diplomacy,etc. We firmly safeguarded ChinAs sovereignty, security anddevelopment interests as well as the important period of strategicopportunities for ChinAs development, and contributed to peace, stabilityand prosperity in our region and the world at large.
China's Foreign Affairs is compiled by the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry with a purpose to make clear the Chinese Government's foreign policy and its views on the international situation, so as to help Chinese and foreign readers understand China's foreign affairs.
Chapter 1 International Developments in 2009Chapter 2 China's Diplomacy in 2009Chapter 3 China's Relations With Countries Having Diplomatic Relations With ChinaChapter 4 China's Relations With International and Regional OrganizationsChapter 5 Work on Arms Control,Disarmament,and Non-proliferation in China's DiplomacyChapter 6 Treaties and Legal Aspects of China's DiplomacyChapter 7 Boundary and Ocean Affairs in China's DiplomacyChapter 8 The Press and Information Work in China's DiplomacyChapter 9 Consular WorkChronicle of China's Major Diplomatic Activities in 2009
EU’s enlargement was pressed ahead steadily。Iceland,Albania andSerbia applied to join the EU。The EU had talks with Croatia and Turkcvrespectively on their admission,postponed negotiation with Macedonia,and removed entry visa restrictions for citizens from Albania,Bosnia andHerzegovina,Macedonia.Serbia and Montenergo,EU.US and EU.Russia Relations EU’s relations with the U.S。improved on the whole The two sidesplayed down differences,enhanced cooperation and enoyed frequentexchanges.President Obama went to Europe in April for the G20 LondonSummit and the NATO summit marking its 60th anniversary.and attendedthe EU。USA Summit in Prague.He visited Germany and France in June,and at~nded the D.Day 65 th Anniversary Ceremony. The EU and theU.S。stepped up coordination on tackling the international financial crisis.Af8hanistan and the Iranian nuclear issue,but still had differences onissues]ike reform of the jnternational financial system and climate change. There were signs of improvement in EU.Russia relations. PresidentBarroso of the European Commission led nine Commissioners to Russia for astrategic dialogue in February and the two sides agreed to sign a newPartnership and Cooperation Agreement at an earlY date.EU,Russia Summitswere held in Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East iu May and in Stockholm inNovember respectively。 The EU and Russia scored some achievements onclimate change and in bilateral cooperation,but remained divergent on issueslike the European security mechanism and energy security.
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