On November 2 1-22,2009,China Institute of International Studies and China Foundation of International Studies CO.organized an annual seminar on the international situation entitled"Great Changes in the World and Opportunities and Challenges for China".More than 1 50 well-known experts and scholars participated in the seminar and delivered colorful and insightful statements and comments.H.E.Mr.Wang Guangya,Party Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.attended and delivered a masterly and important report.Mr.Le Yucheng Director-general of the Policy Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also present and gave a profound speech on the relevant subject. The reason for choosing the above-mentioned theme is very simple.The international situation is changing every year,but 2009 is indeed an eventful year with the most complicated and profound changes,and the most far-reaching significance since the end of the Cold War.Obviously,the relations between China and the world are becoming closer,and their interests are becoming more interrelated.The world is affecting China,while China is also affecting the world.As a rapidlv rising developing country,China'S position and role in the world have become a hot topic of the international community.Foreign scholars have published many works and essays in this respect,and,in China,there are various arguments and opinions as well.The key issue of common concem is:How to determine its position,how to take both domestic and international situations into consideration。how to seizeGreat Transformation ofthe World&China'S Opportunities and Challenges opportunities and counter challenges,and how to make contributions while balancing the interests of China and that of the world,againstthe backdrop of the current world undergoing the profound structureadjustment and transformation. Throughout the seminar,the participating experts and scholarsexpounded their views from different angles,and put forward a lotof valuable suggestions.The common features of these speeches are:Seeking truth from facts,irrefutable arguments,explicit viewpoints andgreat significance to the comprehensive and accurate understanding oftoday'S world and China. In order to share their insights,China Institute of InternationalStudies,as a convention,has the pleasure to compile the majorspeeches into a book in Chinese and publishes some selected papersin English for the readers at home and abroad.I hereby express mysincere thanks to Dr.Liu Youfa Vice President of the CIIS。ML DongManyuan,Miss Su Xiaohui,Dr.Chen Xulong,Dr.Wang Youming andMr.Shen Zhongming from the World Affairs Press and others whohave made contributions to the conceiving,paper soliciting,editing,proofreading and publishing the book.
As a rapidly rising developing country, China's position and role in the world have become a hot topic of the international community. Foreign scholars have published many works and essays in this respect, and, in China,there are various arguments and opinions as well. The key issue of common concern is: How to determine its position, how to take both domestic and international situations into consideration, how to seize opportunities and counter challenges, and how" to make contributions while balancing the interests of China and that of the world, against the backdrop of the current world undergoing the profound structure adjustment and transformation.
PrefaceCharacteristics of the Middle East Situation in 2009Characteristics, Opp6rtunities and Challenges of the International SituationThe Review and Outlook of the International Security SituationCharacteristic of the Latin America Situation in 2009Characteristics and Impacts of the Situation in South Asia in 2009The Way of China toward a World PowerLooking beyond the Financial Crisis:China's Opportunities and ChallengesChina-US Relationship Is at A New, Starting Point Once AgainPolicy Adjustments of Obama Administration in East Asia and China's ResponseCharacteristics and Trends of the Current World Economic SituationCurrent Opportunities and Difficulties Faced by ChinaNorth-South Economic Gaming Catalyzing Adjustment and Transformation of World ParadigmStrategic Interactions of Major Powers——A Perspective on the Changes of International Financial and Economic SystemObama's New Deal in Diplomacy and Shifts in His StrategyEU's Development in the Post-Lisbon EraSignificance of Democratic Party of Japan's Reign and Japan's Choice in Foreign AffairsAfghanistan-Pakistan Issue in Sino-US RelationsStrengthen Public Diplomacy and Project True Image of ChinaClimate Change: A Case of Big Country Game in the New Era
The global economic recession in 2009,which was triggered by thefinancial crisis in the US,has hitherto produced a profound impacton the international situation and accelerated the shifting of thebalance of power.The following development is most eye-catching:The decline of the overall national strength of the US,the onlysuperpower,has clearly affected its dominance in the world affairs;the rise of the emerging countries represented by the BRIC states hasbrought changes to the relative strengths of the North and South;andsome other changes are also brewing in the global balance of powerand international order.The shift in the balance of power,of course,is a gradual process,within which a quantitative change turns intoa qualitative one.The US will remain as the superpower with thegreatest overall national strength during the above process.While theUS will continue to play a leading role on many international issues,it will also have to address more difficulties and challenges,and facegreater constraints.Prompted by the above-mentioned factors,theObama administration has significantly adjusted its foreign policypursued by the previous Republican government.In general,Obama'Sliberalism-driven policy is bound to differ from that of the Bushadministration which was driven by neo-conservatism. ……