

宋云峰 等编著 世界知识出版社





宋云峰 等编著  








  宋云峰,祖籍山东省济南市。20世纪80年代就读于北京外国语大学,1985年获英语语言文学学士学位,1987年获国际文化交流专业学士学位,并留校任教至今。1991年,于英国华威大学获现代英国研究硕士学位。1998年,作为欧盟研究访问学者赴英国爱丁堡大学从事欧洲一体化进程研究。2007-2008年,作为美国富布赖特电影研究高级访问学者在内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校从事英美电影比较研究。主要教授英语、跨文化交际、社会学和电影研究等课程。著述有《西蒙高级英语语法》(译著,外语教学与研究出版社,1998)、《电影英语一本通》(编著,北京外语音像出版社,2001)、《现代大学英语·高级写作》(编写,外语教学与研究出版社,2006)、《英语国家社会与文化入门·上》(编写,高等教育出版社,2005年第二版,2011年第三版)等。1998年至今担任《英语学习》期刊中“银屏演绎”、“电影故事”和“影视文化笔记”等固定栏目特约撰稿人。    尼克·佩里,教授,主要研究媒体社会学。1985-1986年任澳大利亚与新西兰社会学学会(Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand)主席,1999年起任教于奥克兰大学艺术学院电影、电视与媒体系,2003-2004年任该系主任。专著有《符号的领域:电视、广告及其它新西兰符号》( The Dominion of Signs: Television, Advertising and Other New Zealand Fiction,1994)、《超现实与全球文化》(Hyperreality and Global Culture,Routledge,1998),合著有《利益分割:新西兰、政府和社会关系研究》(Controlling Interests: Business, The State and Society in New Zealand, 1992)、《新西兰的电视:民族的程序化》(Television in New Zealand:Programming the Nation,2004),并为《英国社会学期刊》(British Journal of Sociology)、《社会学评论》(Sociological Review)、《社会学》(Sociology)、《澳大利亚与新西兰社会学学刊》(Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology)等学术期刊撰写论文50余篇。


Unit 1 : Domestic Location
Text I Television and Family
Text II Television in the Family
Unit 2 : Medium Characteristics
Text III Broadcast TV as Cultural Form
Text IV Remediation: Understanding New Media
Unit 3 : Cultural Form
Text V Programming as Sequence or Flow
Text VI Television / Sound
Unit 4 : Cultural Economy
Text VII The Political Economy of the Television (Super) Text
Text VIII Inside the Prime Time
Unit 5 : Genre / Format
Text IX Genre Study and Television
Text X Producing (Post-)Trendy Japanese TV Dramas
Unit 6 : Intertextuality
Text XI Bardic Television
Text XII Television as a Cultural Forum
Unit 7 : National Broadcasting Systems
Text XIII Public Service Versus the Market
Text XIV "Democracy as Defeat": The Impotence of Arguments for
Public Service Broadcasting
Unit 8 : Going Global
Text XV Adapting US Transnational Television Channels to a Complex
World:From Cultural Imperialism to Localization to
Text XVI The De-Centering of Cultural Imperialism: Television and
Globalization in the Latin World
Unit 9 : Encoding / Decoding
Text XVII Decoding and Recoding Audiences
Text XVIII Dallas as an Educational Game
Unit 10: Audiences
Text XIX Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences for a
Postmodern World
Text XX A Typology of Television Use


  We are, in short, discussing television viewing in the context of domestic life. To expect that we could treat the individual viewer making programmed choices as if he or she were the rational consumer in a free and perfect market is surely the height of absurdity when we are talking of people who live in families. For most people, viewing takes place within the context of what Sean Cubit has called "the politics of the living room" where, as he puts it, "if the camera pulls us in, the family pulls us out", and where the people you live with are likely to disrupt, if not shatter, your communication with t e "box in the corner".zLet us consider the problem from another angle. Herman Bausinger' s research provides the following account of what " switching on the television" can mean - and it clearly doesn't necessarily mean that one wants to watch the television: "Early in the evening we watch very little TV. Only when my husband is in a real rage. He comes home, hardly says anything and switches on the TV. "3 As Bausinger notes, in this case “pushing the button doesn't signify 'I would like to watch this', but rather 'I would like to see and hear nothing' or 'I don't want to talk to anybody'. " Conversely, he notes, later the opposite case where "the father goes to his room, whiles the mother sit-down next to her eldest son and watches the sports review with him. It does not interest her, but it is an attempt at making contact. "4Bausinger also helpfully provides us with a number of points to bear in mind in relation to domestic media consumption:(1) To make a meaningful study of the use of the media, it is necessary to take different media into consideration, the media ensemble which everyone deals with today…The recipient integrates the content of different media (2) As a rule the media are not used completely, nor with full concentration. The degree of attention depends on the time of the day, or moods, the media message competes with other messages. (3) The media are an integral part of that way the everyday is conducted(for example, the newspaper as a necessary constituent part of "breakfast" ) and(media) decisions are constantly crossed through and influenced by non media conditions and decisions.(4) It is not a question of an isolated, individual process, but of a collective process. Even when reading a newspaper one is not truly alone, it takes place in the context of the family, friends and colleagues.  As Thomas Lendl of and Paul Tray t argue,6 many media scholars have tended to view television viewing as somehow "supplanting family functions", rather than investigating how media resources are adapted to families' econornic and cultural ( or psychological) needs. This can involve quite elementary considerations- such as, for instance, the use of television to create personal space in a restricted physical environment. As Lind of and Truant note, “in higher, density families. TV viewing may function as a way of avoiding conflicts or lessening tensions in lieu of spatial privacy. "These authors also note that much research has concentrated on "questions of why, to the exclusion of what and how. Scholars have attempted to describe causes and consequences of televiewing without an adequate understanding of what it is and how it gets done".  ……




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