As a nation with rich library traditions, libraries in China are increasingly becoming animportant part in library development globally. The rapid growth of China's economy, greatefforts in the cultural sector and wide adoption of information technology have broughtabout extraordinary changes to China's libraries. Libraries in China have attracted worldwideattention to their vision modification, technology application, development scale, and growthrate. Likewise, research has also been carried out in the field with remarkable advancementas a result. In order to enable our colleagues all over the world to learn about research anddevelopment in China's library field, we launch this English version of Journal of LibraryScience in China which is to be published annually and based on the bimonthly Chineseversion of the journal.
Preface: The Inaugural IssueResearch Papers Towards equal and universal access to public library services in China: Consolidation of local public library systems in the context of cultural services for all The blueprint for service transformation at the City University of Hong Kong Library:The project for RFID applications asthe starting point Survey and analysis of library science education and occupational demand in China Current status of courses related to information literacy in universities in Taiwan Study on the law content and effect on the regional library legislation in China Problems in the protection of Chinese ancient books: Analysis and strategy Data model for digital library service registry The organizational structure of post-coordinate retrieval systems A comparative study and evaluation on the information indexing models under the networked environmentReviews Advances in scholarly research of library science in China in 2008 The development of China's library and information science education: 1978-2008 Review of China's information and documentation standardization work Discussion Papers Current problems and challenges facing global librarianship Into the future: The challenge and promise of technology for digital libraries The future prospects of the library profession Important events of Chinese libraries in 2008
The pilot test results indicate that both HF and UHF can be used for library self-checkapplications in terms of security, tag conversion, and stocktaking. Undeniably, the UHF project wasmore difficult and complicated when compared to the HF project as the Team needed to developand fine-tune the equipment themselves. However, the UHF system has proved to be superior tothe HF system in terms of performance. The involvement of the Library staff and users in productcustomization, interface, and workflow design guaranteed that the final product met the needs ofboth staff and users in an operational setting.4 Transforming the library services through RFID deploymentEducational transformation expert Michael Fullan believes that the global education system isgoing through an evolution; every stakeholder related to the education industry such as teachers,educational leaders, students, parents, or governments is currently adapting to this transformation(Fullan, 2001). Libraries, as the hub of universities, will need to transform too. For the CityU HKLibrary, the deployment of RFID technology to provide self-check services to users was one of thekey transformation elements. According to Wilfried Kruger's Change Management Iceberg (Kruger,1998), the change from barcode technology to RFID technology is not simply a transformation thatinvolves money, time, and quality control. (These elements are only the tip of the iceberg.) Moreimportant are the service culture and how users perceive and react to the changes. (These form thebase of the iceberg.) Helping users become familiar with the changes is the key to success, andthis requires the coordination of different factors during the transformation process. Time, space,human resources, ftmding, organization structure, and the technology itself are all factors that theLibrary has to take into consideration.Careful planning minimizes resistance to transformation. Deploying RFID in an establishedlibrary can be more difficult than in a brand new library (Boddy & Macbeth, 2000). This explainswhy the survey results documented in RFID Implementations in California Libraries: Costs andBenefits (Engel, 2008) found that most RFID deployments took place only when libraries movedinto new buildings. However, in City University's case, the deployment of RFID had to be in situ,and careful coordination of the different factors involved becomes even more important if thetransformation is to succeed and daily operations are not to be interrupted (Gervone, 2006).4.1 Time factorTime has been a critical factor for the RFID testing and will remain equally important forthe subsequent library-wide deployment.