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《新概念英语同步课文练习》系列丛书既紧贴《新概念英语》课文内容,又增添了很多相关练习。它的最大特点是从语法、词汇、阅读、翻译和写作等方面对学习者进行同步辅导,帮助学习者获得扎实的基本功,提高读、写、译能力,获得良好的语言运用能力和驾驭能力。 《新概念英语同步课文练习》系例丛书与《新概念英语》教材同步,一课一练,细化知识点,帮助学习者强化对课文内容的掌握。练习以课文所学语言知识为主,包括课文填空、词汇词组运用等。在此基础上,又根据常见考试题型,添加了一部分延伸练习项目。编写内容结合中考、高考、大学英语四六级等考试的要求,在题型、难度等方面进行了调整,方便需要参加此类考试的学习者在学习《新概念英语》的同时为考试做准备。 本书为第四册,既可供自学《新概念英语》的读者使用,也可供相应水平的自学者查漏补缺,进一步提高自己的英语水平。
Lesson 1 Finding fossil man发现化石人Lesson 2 Spare that spider不要伤害蜘蛛Lesson 3 Matterhorn man马特霍恩山区人Lesson 4 Seeing hands能看见东西的手Lesson 5 Youth青年Lesson 6 The sporting spirit体育的精神Lesson 7 Bats蝙蝠Lesson 8 Trading standards贸易标准Lesson 9 Royal espionage王室谍报活动Lesson 10 Silicon valley硅谷Lesson 11 How to grow old如何安度晚年Lesson 12 Banks and their customers银行和顾客Lesson 13 The search for oil探寻石油Lesson 14 The Butterfly Effect蝴蝶效应Lesson 15 Secrecy in industry工业中的秘密Lesson 16 The modern city现代城市Lesson 17 A man—made disease人为的疾病Lesson 18 Porpoises海豚Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams话说梦的本质Lesson 20 Snake poison蛇毒Lesson 21 William S.Hart and the early‘Western’film威廉·S·哈特和早期的“西部”影片Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress知识和进步Lesson 23 Bird flight鸟的飞行方法Lesson 24 Beauty美Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise噪音的非听觉效应Lesson 26 The past life of the earth地球上的昔日生命Lesson 27 The‘Vasa’“瓦萨”号Lesson 28 Patients and doctors病人与医生Lesson 29 The hovercraft气垫船Lesson 30 Exploring the sea—floor海底勘探Lesson 31 The sculptor speaks雕塑家的语言Lesson 32 Galileo reborn伽利略的复生Lesson 33 Education教育Lesson 34 Adolescence青春期Lesson 35 Space odyssey太空探索Lesson 36 The cost of government政府的开支Lesson 37 The process of ageing衰老过程Lesson 38 Water and the traveller水和旅行者Lesson 39 What every writer wants作家之所需Lesson 40 Waves海浪Lesson 41 Training elephants训练大象Lesson 42 Recording an earthquake记录地震Lesson 43 Are there strangers in space?宇宙中有外星人吗?Lesson 44 Patterns of cuhure文化的模式Lesson 45 Of men and galaxies人和星系Lesson 46 Hobbies业余爱好Lesson 47 The great escape大逃亡Lesson 48 Planning a share portfolio规划股份投资Key to Exercises
NEW YORK, May 19——A new, more destructive version of the "Love Bug" virus is slowlyspreading across the world, but so far the damage is small compared with its former version. Thenew Love Bug virus creates disorder. Richard Saunders of anti-viral firm Symantec said the virusonly affected a dozen companies around the world. "While it is a nasty virus, its not spreadinganywhere near the rate Love But or( last years)Melissa was spreading, " Saunders said. "NewLove" is similar in form to the Love Bug, which swept the world two weeks ago and caused morethan $ 10 million in damages. But its much more destructive. The virus appears as an attach-ment to an e-mail whose subject begins with "FW" If a user clicks on the attachments scroll-like icon, every file on his hard drive is destroyed. "Basically, its going to destroy your ma-chine, " said Eric Chine, chief researcher at Symantecs anti-virus lad in the Netherlands. TheLove Bug only killed a small set of files, including graphic files. This virus even wipes out theWindows operating system. Attorney General Janet Reno warned the public at a news conferencetoday to be careful of any suspicious e-mail with attachments. "Do not open it, even it comesfrom a trusted source, " she said. Dots Open That Attachments. Like the Love Bug, after the e-mail attachment is opened and the virus is carried out, New Love sends itself to everyone in avictims Microsoft Outlook address book. Fortunately for users, the lesson is the same as from theLove Bug: If you see a message with an attachment whose name ends in vbs, with a scroll-like i-con, dont click on the attachment. Also like the Love Bug, this virus only affects computersrunning Windows 98, NT 4.0 Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 5.0 and can only spread if us-ers rely on a Microsoft Outlook address book for e-mail. Microsoft will soon give a fix for Outlookthat warns people or suspicious attachments, the company said.
丛书主要特点:与《新概念英语》教材同步,一课一练,细化知识点,帮助学习者强化对课文内容的掌握。 练习内容涵盖词汇、语法和阅读,满足各个阶段学习者的英语学习要求。 结合中考、高考、大学英语四六级等考试的要求配备练习项目,方便学习者同时备考。 编排合理,重点突出。知识全面,题型多样。
好书, 慢慢地学