

丁贵明 等 著 石油工业出版社





丁贵明 等 著  




  According to the 14th World Petroleum Conference,the ultimate conventional recoverable resources of oil and gas in the world are 311.3 billion tons and 32.8 billion m3 respectively. Also it is estimated by some experts that the resources can be used by human beings for 100 years or so. But all this does not indicate a optimistic explora-tion situation. It is showed by available data that the amount of discovered crude oil culminated between the middle fifties and the end of seventies, with an average of 5 billion tons a year, and reduced to 1.8 to 2.1 billion tons a year in the eighties and to only l.0 billion tons at the beginning of the nineties. Meanwhile, the production surpassed the discovered reserves in the same period greatly. Since the 1980's, the major discoveries were on offshore, in which the Asia-Pacific and South America regions, whose residual recoverable reserves amount for 20% of the world’s total amount, account for a certain proportion. The increase of reserve is mainly obtained by finding potential resources in established fields, Between 1985 and 1990, the amount of newly found reserves, 8.9 billion tons, only amounts for 25% of total increased re-serves, 35.3 billion tons, of the world, while the other 75% of increased reserves is acquired through reevalu-ating the resources of former fields. All in a word the discovery of new reserves is becoming more difficult and petroleum exploration is facing a challenge.


PREFACECHAPTER 1 NEW DEVELOPMENT IN PETROLEUM GEOLOGY AND ITS RELATED SUBJECTS1.1 Review of History of Petroleum Geology in China1.1.2 Middle stage (from 1960s to the end of 1970s)1.1.3 Present stage - since 1980s1.2 Sequence Stratigraphy1.2.1 Sequence stratigraphy fundamental and its application1.2.2 Sequence stratigraphy of passive continental margin basin1.2.3 Sequence stratigraphy of active continental margin basin1.2.4 Advances in nonmarine sequence stratigraphy1.3 Tectonic Theories on Sedimentary Basins1.3.1 Geodynamic classification of sedimentary basins1.3.2 Structural style concept and its significance1.3.3 Research progresses ofinversion structure and its significance1.3.4 Tectonic transfer zones1.3.5 Developments of principles and techniques of balance-sections1.3.6 New knowledge of continentallithospheric structures through deep-reflection seismic prospecting1.3.7 Wave theory of the earth crust movement1.4 Advances in Reservoir Study1.4.1 Reservoir sedimentation and diagenesis1.4.2 Reservoir geochemist1.4.3 Reservoir heterogeneity1.4.4 Low permeability reservoir1.4.5 Fracture reservoir1.5 Oi1 and Gas Generation Theory1.5.1 Theory on generation oflow-mature oil1.5.2 Coal-derived hydrocarbons1.5.4 Generation of hydrocarbons in marine carbonate rocks1.5.5 Natural gas origin1.6 Theory on Hydrocarbon Reservoir Formation1.6.2 Theories about the identification of oil and gas sources1.6.4 011 and gas reservoir formation modelsReferencesCHAPTER 2 NEW DEVELOPMENTS OF EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES2.1 Review of Oil-Gas Exploration Techniques in China2.1.1 Before China took reforming and opening to the outside policy2.1.2 After China took reforming and opening to the outside policy2.2.1 New development of data acquisition2.2.2 The great increase of seismic resolution2.2.3 Rapid development of 3-D seismics2.2.4 Developing seismic processing and improving imaging accuracy2.2.5 The development of seismic interpretation2.2.6 The seismic exploration methods based on models2.3 Borehole Techniaues2.3.1 Well logging2.4 Non-Seismic Geological Survey2.4.1 Gravity-magnetic electrical exploration2.4.2 0il-gas geochemical exploration2.4.3 Hydrocarbon resource remote sensing2.5 The Application of Computers in Oil-Gas Exploration2.6 Petroleum Geological Modeling2.6.1 The concept and significance of the petroleum geological model2.6.2 Categories in petroleum geological models2.6.3 General program and fundamental principles for modeling2.6.4 Model and simulation2.6.5 Modern modeling technique-computer simulationReferencesCHAPTER 3 THE TASK AND PROGRAM OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION3.1 The Definition of Phases in Petroleum Exploration3.1.1 The definition of exploration phases in major foreign oil producing countries3.1.2 The definition of petroleum exploration phases in China3.2 The Tasks, Techniques and Methods of Regional Exploratio3.2.1 The tasks of regional exploration3.2.2 The techniques and methods applied in regional exploratio3.3 The Tasks, Techniques and Methods of Trap Preliminary Exploration3.3.1 The tasks of trap preliminary exploration3.3.2 The techniques and methods used in trap preliminary exploration3.4 The Tasks, Techniques and Methods of Appraisal Exploratio3.4.1 The tasks of appraisal exploration3.4.2 The techniques and methods used in appraisal exploratio3.5 The Trend of Petroleum Exploration Techniques-Integrated Exploration3.5.1 The two trends in the development of petroleum exploration techniques3.5.2 The technique integration in petroleum exploration3.5.3 The process integration in petroleum eXDlorationReferencesCHAPTER 4 METHODS TO ANALYZE AND EVALUATE BASINS4.1 Methods of the Early-Stage Evaluation of Basins4.2 Methods of Basin Description4.2.1 Researches of the strata of basins4.2.2 Study of the basement and boundary of basins4.2.3 Study of the structural features of basins4.2.4 Types of basins4.2.5 Study of the sedimentary facies in basins4.2.6 Features of hydrocarbon-generating rocks and oil reservoirs4.2.7 Hydrodynamic analysis of sedimentary basins4.2.8 Geothermal and geopressure characteristics of basins4.3 Basin Numerical Simulation (Modeling)4.3.1 Histories of sedimentation, burial and structural development4.3.2 Paleothermal flow and paleotemperature histories……CHAPTER 5 TRAP DESCRIPTION AND EVALUTIONCHAPTER 6 RESERVOIR DESCRIPTION & EVALUATION METHODSCHAPTER 7 OIL EXPLORATION MANAGEMENTCHAPTER 8 PETROLEUM RESOURCE MANAGEMENTCHAPTER 9 OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION DECISION AND COMPILATION OF PROGRAMMING AND PLANNINGCHAPTER 10 EXPLOPATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND EXPLORATION DESIGNCHAPTER 11 COMPUTER-INTEGRATED PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SYSTEM




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