《高职英语》编写组 编
《高职英语》是依据教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和((高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》编写而成的,是供高职高专学生英语教学使用的大学英语系列教材。 全套教材共分四册,每册包括《高职英语综合教程》(配有光盘)、《高职英语综合练习》(配有光盘)和《高职英语教师参考书》三个分册。本书为《高职英语综合教程1》。全书共分10个教学单元。每个教学单元主要由听说技能部分、综合运用和泛读材料三个板块组成。
Unit1 Greetings and Introductions Topic Introduction Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking Development Section B Intensive Reading--Attitude Is Everything Grammar Focus --Prefixes and Suffixes Section C Extensive Reading Merry LearningUnit2 Weather and Climate Topic Introduction Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking Development Section B Intensive Reading--Learning about the Science of Climate Change Grammar Focus--Verbs Section C Extensive Reading Merry LearningUnit3 Good Manners Topic Introduction Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking Development Section B Intensive Reading--Good Manners Grammar Focus--Phrasal verbs Section C Extensive Reading Merry Learning Unit4 Coolege Life(I) Topic Introduction Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking Development Section B Intensive Reading--High School vs. College Grammar Focus--Tense(I) Section C Extensive Reading Merry LearningUnit4 Coolege Life(II) Topic Introduction Section A Listening Comprehension and Speaking Development Section B Intensive Reading--Participation in the Classroom Grammar Focus--Tense(I) Section C ExtensiveR.eading Merry LearningUnit6 FriendshipUnit7 HealthUnit8 FamilyUnit9 Making a Phone CallUnit10 Asking for and Showing DirectionsVocabularyPhrases and Expressions