前言 随着社会的不断进步,越来越多的人为了实现梦想、丰富人生经历、体验不同文化的碰撞而选择出国留学。但是,大多数学子在准备出国留学时首先要面对的就是雅思大关。雅思考试也随着参加人数的逐年增长而成为了千军万马争过的独木桥。因此,怎样在雅思考试中独占鳌头便成为了广大考生最热衷的话题。近年来,雅思考试中的听力和口语一直是广大考生的"老大难"问题,低分成为考生心头挥之不去的阴霾。本套《听BBC攻破雅思听说》书籍为报考雅思的广大人群另辟蹊径,使用英语爱好者都熟悉的BBC新闻材料,力求将那些深陷听力和口语泥潭的人们拉上岸来,让学子们不要总是在考后痛心疾首的感叹"一着不慎,满盘皆输啊"! 本套《听BBC攻破雅思听说》系列书籍共分为校园生活、学术研讨、历史文化、新闻观点和社会经济5个分册。本套书所选材料难度要略高于雅思听力材料难度,这样煞费苦心选材的目的是为了让考生在平时训练中提高水平,这样才能在真正进入雅思考试时发挥正常水平,甚至超高水平。 除了在材料难度控制上做到深谋远虑外,本套书还从以下三个方面对每篇材料进行了精心编排: :预热练习。这是一个过渡性的知识补充阶段,选取与本篇话题相关的句子和词汇做选词填空练习。目的就是为了让读者在之后的听力和口语练习时更加容易进入状态,也更加熟练。 :听力练习。这里开始就是每篇的主要内容之一了。编者严格根据每篇听说材料的内容和结构,紧密结合雅思考试中出现的10大必考题型,将每篇材料分成两部分,对应每一部分出1种雅思听力必考题型,统共是2种题型10道题目供读者练习。以求让读者在聆听与雅思听力考试相差无几的纯英式英语的同时体验雅思听力题型的难度和出题规律。 :口语练习。口语练习分为两部分。第一部分是听力到口语的一个过渡,要求读者再完整听一遍听力材料,然后根据材料回答3个简单的问题。第二部分则是与雅思口语考试结合的较为紧密的口语练习。这一部分首先列出了本篇话题相关的雅思口语Part II部分的题目(80%为雅思口语真题,斜体话题为非真题);题目之后本书以第一人称给出了在回答中可能会涉及到的问题或线索词以帮助读者打开思路;在这之后,本书还贴心准备了一篇针对其中一个题目的范文回答供读者参阅。相信经过这个过程,读者会对该话题相关的口语题目应付自如了。 最后,谨祝所有"烤鸭"都能早日突破雅思听说大关,圆自己的出国深造之梦!
《听BBC攻破雅思听说:社会经济分册》包含学术前沿篇和科技前沿篇2个章节,每章节包含20篇材料,即20个话题: 学术前沿篇选取20篇最具学术性的话题文章(12篇独白和8篇对白或广播节目)作为听说材料,如饮食方面,考古等。 科技前沿篇选取20篇最具前卫性的话题文章(12篇独白和8篇对白或广播节目)作为听说材料,如三维技术、电脑、微博等。 全书共选取40篇材料,即40个话题。涵盖了雅思听力考试中学术研讨话题的方方面面,只有超越,绝无漏网之余。有了这本书,考生再遇到此类话题,便能轻松应对。
CHAPTER Business and Finance商业金融篇
Business and Finance商业金融篇
Practice 1 Savings Safety储蓄安全
Practice 2 Brand and Market品牌与市场
Practice 3 Investment Trust投资信托
Practice 4 Banking Industry银行业
Practice 5 Traaction Methods交易方式
Practice 6 Product Quality产品质量一
Practice 7 Market and Competition市场与竞争
Practice 8 Business Cooperation商业合作
Practice 9 Currency and Intervention Policy货币与干预政策
Practice 10 Iurance保险业
Practice tt Oil Price石油价格
Practice 12 Customer Complaints客户投诉
Practice 13 Merge ofEnterprises企业合并
Practice 14 Famous Enterprises and CEOs名企与总裁
Practice 15 Economic Change经济转型
Practice 16 Coumption and Investment消费与投资
Practice 17 Real Estate房地产业
Practice 18 Patent Rights专利权
Practice 19 Inflation通货膨胀
Practice 20 CreditCard信用卡
CHAPTER Focuses of Society社会视野篇
Focuses of SocieW社会视野篇
Practice 1 Youth Unemployment年轻人失业问题
Practice 2 Coume'Rights消费者权利
Practice 3 Work and Clothing职业与着装
Practice 4 Wealth Polarization贫富分化
Practice S Sports体坛盛会
Practice 6 Education Concept教育观念
Practice 7 DisabilityBenefit残疾人福利
Practice 8 Noise Pollution噪音污染
Practice 9 Human Diseases人类的疾病
Practice 10 Toxic Gases有毒气体
Practice 11 Criminals犯罪人口
Practice 12 Diet and Obesity饮食与肥胖
Practice 13 Extreme Weather and Precautio恶劣天气与预防措施
Practice 14 Public Health公共卫生
Practice 15 Police and Gu警察与枪支
Practice 16 Peonal Safety For Women女性个人安全
Practice 17 Organ Donation器官捐赠
Practice 18 Air Pollution空气污染
Practice 19 FightingAgaitCopyrightPiracy打击盗版
Practice 20 Animal Protection动物保护
Chapter 1 Academics 学术前沿篇 Practice 1 Humans Evolution 人类进化 Choose the right words to fill in the blanks. zoologist distinct purchase trait retrogress(退化) punctuality literature reversion natural selection anthropology survival sexually naturalist digest undergone 1. Evolution may occur when there is variation of inherited _________ within a population. 2. Human races in different parts of the world are becoming more genetically _________. 3. Researchers found that at least 7% of human genes have _________ recent evolution. 4. If the natural selection of fitter traits is no longer driven by _________, perhaps it owes to differences in women's fertility(繁殖力). 5. Technology, medicine and a wide variety of non-toxic dietary options can shelter us from the brutal force of _________. In this part, you will hear a report. The report will be spoken only once. After hearing the report, you are required to do the following exercises. Now listen to Tape 1 and answer Questions 1-5. Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 1. There is no doubt that humans are in the creature world. 2. Humans could skin the polar bear and use the pelt as clothing to . 3. Skin colour is the most way humans have evolved apart. 4. In the past, it was clear that our technology and didn't stop us evolving. 5. Professor Jones says that has at least slowed down. Listen to Tape 2 and answer Questions 6-10. Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Evolutionary biologist Stephen Stearns has conducted a long-term 6. of a small town in Massachusetts, called Framingham. He has found that people in Framingham are still evolving and in a 7 direction. Stearns believes that the changes that we've made to the world may actually be 8. our evolution. The study shows that we are continuing to evolve and biology is going to change with the 9. . We can't see it because we're right in the middle of the process. The direction of our future evolution may be more 10. on our growing ability to change the world. In this part, you are supposed to listen to the 2 tapes once again, and answer the following questions orally. 1. Who published On the Origin of Species? 2. How many percent of South East Asia people are lactose tolerant? 3. According to Prof Stearns, when will we see rapid evolution? Now you are supposed to brainstorm about some objects and then choose one to describe. Here are some topics of IELTS. Describe a ceremonial event that you either watched or attended. Tell me about an ethnic minority in your country. Describe one great progress human being has made in its history. Tell me something about ancient people. Describe what human beings would be like in the future. Brainstorming Clues What the event/progress is Process of the event/progress The importance/reasons of the event/progress Living habits/environment of people at that time Influence of it How I/people feel about it ……
内容有点少 , 我都懒得看下去了 以后再看吧。。。
之前一直在听的都是VOA和**N,在追的也都是各种美剧,渐渐发觉自己对英音越来越陌生了。下学期准备报名BEC V,据说听力难度是雅思乘以无限大……感觉再不快点行动起来就要来不及了。正好在当当上发现这一系列丛书,标准的BBC英式发音,还分出了人文自然、校园生活等不同的专题和模块,而社会经济分册正好适合准备考剑桥商务英语的人群。虽然还有好多听力资料没用,但是感觉这本书的针对性更强,于是就趁当当六折封顶活动时败了回来,果然没有让人失望~书跟BEC教材一样是大开本的,印刷质量不错,光盘质量也不错。内容分为三个模块,第一是习题,这个我最喜欢,用单词填空什么的,可以用来练精听,非常使用。第一个模块分为两个单元,每单元20篇听力。第二个模块是听力原文,但是没有中文翻译,所以还是建议有一定英语基础的亲购买。第三个模块是keys,排版十分清爽。总之,是非常好的一本书,很满意,希望能够持之以恒,好好利用。支持当当~是永远都不会错的选择~~