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《石油炼化专业英语》精选了20多篇炼油化工领域有专业代表性的英文文章,内容涉及单元操作、传质、传热、化工反应器设计等专业基础知识,还包括化工产品、石油炼厂的总体情况介绍以及常减压、催化裂化、焦化、重整、加氢、蒸汽裂解等典型炼油化工过程,并对这些英文文章中的专业词汇、短语及重点语句进行了注释和说明。 《石油炼化专业英语》可供石油炼化领域的研究人员、技术人员以及工人参考使用,还可作为各石油院校石油炼化专业的专业英语教材。
Passage 1 Unit OperationsPassage 2 Mechanisms of Heat TransferPassage 3 DistillationPassage 4 Absorption and AdsorptionPassage 5 Types and Fundamental Properties of ReactorsPassage 6 Basic ChemicalsPassage 7 PetrochemicalsPassage 8 The Petroleum RefineryPassage 9 Petroleum DistillationPassage 10 Fluid Catalytic CrackingPassage 11 Delayed CokingPassage 12 Catalytic ReformingPassage 13 Hydrotreating and HydrocrackingPassage 14 Steam CrackingPassage 15 Upgrading of C4 CutsPassage 16 BTX ProductionPassage 17 Manufacture of LPGPassage 18 PolymersPassage 19 Manufacture of Styrene and PolystyrenePassage 20 Manufacture of AmmoniaPassage 21 Gasification and Indirect Liquefaction of CoalPassage 22 Introduction to Process DesignPassage 23 Chemical Industry and EnvironmentVocabularyAppendixReferences