陈炜明、 王德 科学技术文献出版社 (2004-08出版)
内科学和全科医学American Journal of MedicineAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineAmerican Journal of the Medical SciencesAmyloidAnnals of Internal MedicineAnnals of MedicineArchives of Internal MedicineAviation, Space, and Environmental MedicineBritish Journal of General PracticeBritish Medical JournalCanadian Medical Association JournalChinese Medical JournalClinical MedicineCurrent Medical Research and OpinionEuropean Journal of Clinical InvestigationFamily MedicineIndian Journal of Medical ResearchInternal Medicine journalInternational Journal of Clinical PracticeJAMA: the Journal of the American Medical AssociationJournal of Family PracticeJournal of General Internal MedicineJournal of Internal MedicineJournal of Investigative MedicineJournal of Laboratory and Clinical MedicineJournal of the Formosan Medical Association=Taiwan Yi ZhiJournal of the Royal Society of MedicineJournal of Women's Health & Gender-Based MedicineLancetMayo Clinic ProceedingsMedical Journal of AustraliaMedicineMount Sinai Journal of MedicineThe Netherlands Journal of MedicineThe New England Journal of MedicineThe New Zealand Medical JournalPalliative MedicinePostgraduate Medical JournalPostgraduate MedicinePreventive MedicineQuarterly Journal of Medicine-An International Journal of MedicineScienceSouth African Medical JournalScottish Medical JournalSouthern Medical JournalSwiss Medical WeeklyTohoku Journal of Experimental MedicineWiener Klinische WochenschriftAnnual Review of MedicineDisease-a-MonthMedical Clinics of North AmericaBritish Medical BulletinHarvey LecturesHospital Medicine外科学Acta NeurochirurgicaAmerican Journal of SurgeryAmerican Journal of Surgical PathologyAmerican SurgeonAnnals of Plastic SurgeryAnnals of SurgeryAnnals of Surgical OncologyAnnals of Thoracic SurgeryAnnals of Vascular SurgeryANZ Journal of SurgeryArchives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Archives of SurgeryArthroscopyBritish Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryBritish Journal of Plastic SurgeryBritish Journal of SurgeryCanadian Journal of Surgery-Journal Canadien de ChirurgieChild's Nervous SystemCleft Palate-Craniofacial JournalClinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchClinical TransplantationDermatologic SurgeryDiseases of the Colon and RectumEndoscopyEuropean Journal of Cardio-Thoracic SurgeryEuropean Surgical ResearchHead & NeckHepato-GastroenterologyInternational Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryJournal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumeJournal of Cataract & Refractive SurgeryJournal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryJournal of Craniofacial SurgeryJournal of Endovascular Therapy Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical TechniquesJournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Journal of NeurosurgeryJournal of Neurosurgical AnesthesiologyJournal of Pediatric SurgeryJournal of Refractive SurgeryJournal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryJournal of Surgical OncologyJournal of Surgical ResearchJournal of the American College of SurgeonsJournal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryJournal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical CareJournal of Vascular SurgeryKnee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, ArthroscopyLasers in Medical ScienceLasers in Surgery and MedicineLiver TransplantationNeurosurgeryObesity SurgeryOphthalmic Surgery and LasersOral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and EndodonticsOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryPediatric NeurosurgeryPhlebologyPlastic and Reconstructive SurgeryShockSurgerySurgical and Radiologic Anatomy: Journal of Clinical AnatomySurgical EndoscopySurgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous TechniquesSurgical NeurologyThoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeonTransplant InternationalTransplantationTransplantation ProceedingsWorld Journal of SurgeryWound Repair and RegenerationCurrent Problems in SurgerySeminars in Cutaneous Medicine and SurgerySurgical Clinics of North America妇产科学Acta Obstetricia ET Gynecologica ScandinavicaAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyB JOG-An International Journal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyContraceptionEarly Human DevelopmentEuropean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology andReproductive BiologyFertility and SterilityGynecologic and Obstetric InvestigationGynecologic OncologyHuman ReproductionHypertension in PregnancyInternational Journal of Fertility and Women's MedicineInternational Journal of Gynecological CancerInternational Journal of Gynecological PathologyJournal of Perinatal Medicine……男性科学儿科学心脏和心血管系统呼吸系统胃肠病学和肝脏病学泌尿学和肾脏病学外财血管疾病临床神经病学内分泌学和代谢血液病学肿瘤学感染性疾病风湿病学老年病学和老年学重症急救医学急诊医学康复医学营养学和饮食学热带医学医疗保健科学与服务综合和互补医学法律医学整形外科学移植麻醉学放射学、核医学和医学影像学神经影像学皮肤病和性病学变态反应学眼科学耳鼻喉科学口腔科学精神病学心理学公共、环境和职业卫生学药物滥用医学实验与研究医学 实验技术学生物化学和分子生物学生物化学研究方法细胞生物学生物学解剖和形态学生理学病理学生物物理学遗传学和遗传免疫学微生物学病毒学显微技术学神经科学行为科学发育生物学生殖生物学寄生虫学药理学和药学医药化学毒理学医学信息学生物技术学和实用微生物学生物医学工程学