

J.D.Seader 化学工业出版社









  随着中国社会主义现代化建设进入新的阶段,以高质量的高等教育培养千百万专门人才,迎接新世纪的挑战,是实现“科教兴国”战略的基础工程,也是完成“十五”计划各项奋斗目标的重要保证。为切实加强高等学校本科教学并提高教学质量,教育部于2001年专门下发文件提出12条意见,对高等学校教学工作从认识、管理、教师队伍到教学方法和教学手段等给予指导。文件强调,按照“教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的要求,为适应经济全球化和科技国际化的挑战,本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学。  在文件精神指导下,全国普通高等学校尤其是重点高校中兴起了使用国外教材开展教学活动的潮流。如生物技术与工程、环境科学与工程、材料科学与工程及作为其学科基础理论重要组成部分的化学技术和化学工程技术又是这股潮流中最为活跃的领域之一。在教育部“化工类专业人才培养方案及教学内容体系改革的研究与实践”项目组及“化工类专业创新人才培养模式、教学内容、教学方法和教学技术改革的研究与实践”项目组和“全国本科化学工程与工艺专业教学指导委员会”的指导和支持下,化学工业出版社及时启动了引进国外名校名著的教材工程。


Chapter 1 Separation Processes1.1 Industrial Chemical Processes1.2 Mechanism of Separation1.3 Separation by Phase Addition or Creation1.4 Separation by Barrier1.5 Separation by Solid Agent1.6 Separation by External Field of Gradient1.7 Component Recoveries and PRODUCT purities1.8 Separation Power1.9 Selection of Feasible Separation ProcessesChapter 2 Thermodynamics of Separation Operations2.1 Energy,Entropy,and Availability Balances2.2 Phase Equilibria2.3 Ideal Gas,Ideal Liquid Solution Model2.4 Graphical Correlations of Thermodynamic Properties2.5 Nonideal Thermodynamic Property Models2.6 Activity Coefficient Models for the Liquid PhaseChapter 3 Mass Transfer and Diffusion3.1 Steady-State Ordinary Molecular Diffusion3.2 Diffusion Coefficients3.3 One-Dimensional Steady-State and Unsteady-State Molecular Diffusion3.4 Molecular Diffusion in Laminar Flow3.5 Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flow3.6 Models for Mass Transfer at a Fluid-Fluid Interface3.7 Two-Film Theory and Overall Mass Transfer CoefficientsChapter 4 Single Equilibrium Stages and Flash Calculations4.1 The Gibbs Phase Rule and Degrees of Freedom4.2 Binary Vapor-Liquid Systems4.3 Azeotropic Systems4.4 Multicomponent Flash,Bubble-Point,and Dew-Point Calculations4.5 Ternary Liquid-Liquid Systems4.6 Multicomponent Liquid-Liquid Systems4.7 Solid-Liquid Systems4.8 Gas-Liquid Systems4.9 Gas-Solid Systems4.10 Multiphase SystemsChapter 5 Cascades5.1 Cascade Configurations5.2 Solid-Liquid Cascades5.3 Single-Section Liquid-Liquid Extraction Cascades5.4 Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Group Methods5.5 Degrees of Freedom and Specifications for Countercurrent CascadesChapter 6 Absorption and Stripping of Dilute Mixtures6.1 Equipment6.2 General Design Considerations6.3 Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method for Trayed Towers6.4 Algebraic Method for Determining the Number of Equilibrium Stages6.5 Stage Efficiency6.6 Tray Capacity,Pressure Drop,and Mass Transfer6.7 Rate-Based Method for Packed Columns6.8 Packed Column Efficiency,Capacity, and Pressure Drop6.9 Concentrated Solutions in Packed ColumnsChapter 7 Distillation of Binary Mixtures7.1 Equipment and Design Considerations7.2 McCabe-Thiele Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method for Trayed Towers7.3 Estimation of Stage Efficiency7.4 Capacity of Trayed Towers and Reflux Drums7.5 Rate-Based Method for Packed Columns7.6 Ponchon-Savarit Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method for Trayed TowersChapter 8 Liquid-Liquid Extraction with Ternary SystemsChapter 9 Approximate Methods for Multicomponent,Multistage SepartionsChapter 10 Equilibrium-Based Methods for Multicomponent Absorption,Stripping,Distillation,and ExtractionChapter 11 Enhanced Distillation and Supercritical ExtractionChapter 12 Rate-Based Models for DistillationChapter 13 Batch DistillationChapter 14 Membrane SeparationsChapter 15 Adsorption,Ion Exchange,and ChromatographyIndex




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