本书以物流工程作为主线,对先进的物流系统及相关知识进行了较为系统的介绍。文章基本选自英文原版资料,内容涉及物流系统及工业工程的各个方面。 物流的术语定义、物流的作用、资源计划、电子商务、供应链管理等文章主要介绍物流系统基本内容;客户服务系统、信息工程以及操作系统的文章,则重点介绍物流信息方面的问题;物流工程设备部分的文章分别介绍了物流系统常见的几类装卸设备以及部分机构的设计方法和原则;工业工程及先进制造技术选择了系统集成、计算机集成制造、柔性制造系统等方面的文章;港口及货运部分既有基本概念的讨论,也有比较典型的介绍性文章,还对包装、货物运输等从实用的角度进行了讨论。本书从实用性出发,选择了合同撰写与论文写作的相关文章,并给出销售合同的样本,以及一篇科技论文的范文。 本书可作为物流工程以及各相关专业本科生的专业英语教材,也可作为物流方面的研究者及工程技术人员学习英语和专业知识的参考书。
Unit 1 Passage A What Is Logistics? --Logistics means having the right thing, at the right place, at the right time Passage B Definition of TermsUnit 2 Passage A The Role of Material Flow System (I) --Objectives of the Material Flow System Passage B The Role of Material Flow System (II) --Why Be Concerned about the Material Flow System?Unit 3 Passage A Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (I) Passage B Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics (II)Unit 4 Passage A Materials Handling Passage B Inventory ControlUnit 5 Passage A Best Plan: Simple, but Elegant Passage B Material Resource PlanningUnit 6 Passage A Electronic Commerce Definitions Passage B Appropriate Research Methods for Electronic CommerceUnit 7 Passage A Application to Electronic Commerce Passage B InternetUnit 8 Passage A B2B: The Real World Passage B B2C Security: Be Just Security EnoughUnit 9 Passage A Supply Chain Management Passage B Evolutionary ComputationUnit 10 Passage A The Evolution of Supply Chain Technologies Passage B The Impact of Sept?11th on SCM TechnologyUnit 11 Passage A Client-Server System Passage B Information EngineeringUnit 12 Passage A Linux: At A Turning Point? Passage B Unix HistoryUnit 13 Passage A Getting A Lift from Cranes Passage B Up and Away with Overhead CranesUnit 14 Passage A Refresher Course Cranes for Overhead Handling Passage B Hoisting MachinesUnit 15 Passage A Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Passage B Elevating MachinesUnit 16 Passage A Palletizers:Man vs. Machine Passage B The Light Bulb Goes OnUnit 17 Passage A AC Power to the Lift Truck Passage B Optimising Container Transfers at Multimodal TerminalsUnit 18 Passage A Product Data Model for Production Management and Logistics Passage B Real-Time SystemUnit 19 Passage A Industrial Engineering ……Unit 20Unit 21Unit 22Unit 23Unit 24Unit 25Unit 26Unit 27附录 附录1 汉英物流术语解释 附录2 英汉物流术语解释 附录3 汉英物流常用词汇 附录4 英汉物流常用词汇 附录5 物流常用缩略词和组合词参考文献