《环境工程专业英语》是根据《大学英语教学大纲》(理工科本科用)专业阅读部分的要求编写的,供理工科大学环境工程或相关专业学生使用,也可供同等英语程度环境工程师或相关领域的科技人员使用。 全书共分为九个部分(Part)共37个单元。每个单元由一篇课文和一篇阅读材料组成,共计74篇。课文和阅读材料均选自原版英文教科书、科技报告、著作、专业期刊、国际会议论文集等。其中第一部分介绍环境工程概述和历史;第二部分介绍空气污染及其防治;第三部分介绍水污染的来源和种类、各种污水处理技术、处理单元设备等;第四部分为固体废物及处理方法;第五部分介绍其他污染及控制技术;第六部分为环境影响及其评价;第七部分介绍环境监控、分析及采样程序;第八部分介绍环境政策与管理策略;第九部分作为拓展,介绍环境与可持续发展、清洁生产工艺及其绿色化学过程。每篇课文均配有与课文相对应的练习,主要以主观练习题为主,包括阅读与词汇练习,英译汉与汉译英,用英语回答问题及写出课文或某一段落的summary等。为便于学生自学,本书每课配有单词和词组表,并对课文的难点作必要的注释,全书最后附有总词汇表。
钟理 华南理工大学化工与能源学院教授。主要从事化学工艺及水处理研究。
PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING1Unit 1 Text: Environmental Engineering1Reading Material: Studying the Environment4Unit 2 Text: Historical Overview of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA8Reading Material: The City Environment11Unit 3 Text: What is Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization?14Reading Material: Waste Minimization in the ChemicalIndustry——A Case Study19Unit 4 Text: Environmental Analysis25Reading Material: Analytical Technique and Methodology28PART 2 AIR POLLUTION & CONTROL32Unit 5 Text: Type and Sources of Air Pollutants[I]32Reading Material: Type and Sources of Air Pollutants[II]34Unit 6 Text: Effects on Climate and Ecological Environment[I]37Reading Material: Effects on Climate and Ecological Environment[II]41Unit 7 Text: Conventional Technology of Air pollution Control44Reading Material: Gas and Vapor Control Technology48Unit 8 Text: New Technologies of Air Pollution Control[I]50Reading Material: New Technologies of Air Pollution Control[II]54Unit 9 Text: Effects of Air Pollution57Reading material: Control of Air Pollution by Oxidation60PART 3 WATER POLLUTION AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT63Unit 10 Text: Water Pollution and Pollutants63Reading Material: Wastewater66Unit 11 Text: Pollution of Inland Waters and Oceans69Reading Material: Water Supply73Unit 12 Text: Water Purification78Reading Material: Principles of Wastewater Treatment81Unit 13 Text: Water Treatment Processes85Reading Material: U?S?Wastewater Treatment——Past and Present89Unit 14 Text: Biological Wastewater Treatment [I]91Reading material: Biological Wastewater Treatment[II]95Unit 15 Text: Ion Exchange99Reading Material: Precipitation104Unit 16 Text: Oxidation of Wastewater[I]108Reading Material: Oxidation of Wastewater [II]111Unit 17 Text: Unit Operations of Pretreatment116Reading Material: Unit Processes of Secondary Treatment120PART 4 SOLID WASTES AND DISPOSAL123Unit 18 Text: Sources and Types of Solid Wastes123Reading Material: Quantities of Wastes127Unit 19 Text: Everybody’s Problems——Hazardous Waste130Reading Material: Hazardous Waste Defined and the National Programto Control Hazardous Wastes134Unit 20 Text: Methods of Waste Disposal137Reading Material: Incineration of Hazardous Waste in the U?S?A?140Unit 21 Text: Disposal of Solid Wastes144Reading Material: Materials and Energy Recovery148PART 5 OTHER POLLUTION AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES152Unit 22 Text: Sound and Noise152Reading Material: Tone and the Decibel Scale154Unit 23 Text: Noise Control[I]156Reading Material: Noise Control[II]157Unit 24 Text: Energy Consumption and Pollution162Reading Material: Use of Solar Energy164Unit 25 Text: Thermal Pollution166Reading Material: How to Put Waste Heat to Good Use167PART 6 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT169Unit 26 Text: Summary of EIA169Reading material: Introduction to Methods forEnvironmental Impact Assessment172Unit 27 Text: Impact of Wastewater Effluents on Water Quality of River177Reading Material: The Aims and Objectives of EnvironmentalImpact Assessment179Unit 28 Text: Environmental Impact Assessment of Air Quality185Reading Material: Identification and Prediction of Air QualityChanges187PART 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING190Unit 29 Text: Monitoring Air Quality in Mountains——Designing190Reading Material: Design Environmental Databases for StatisticalAnalysis194Unit 30 Text: Combining Accuracy Assessment of Land-Cover Maps withEnvironmental Monitoring Programs[I]199Reading Material: Combining Accuracy Assessment of Land-CoverMaps with Environmental Monitoring Programs[III]204Unit 31 Text: Sampling Sediment and Soil209Reading Material: EMAP Overview-Objectives, Approaches,and Achievements213PART 8 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT218Unit 32 Text: A New Politics for a New Era——A Political Agenda forthe 1990s218Reading Material: Hazardous Waste Management224Unit 33 Text: Pollution Control Strategies[I]228Reading Material: Pollution Control Strategies[II]230Unit 34 Text: Solid Waste Management Overview235Reading Material: Management of Nuclear Wastes239PART 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT243Unit 35 Text: Clean Technologies through Microbial Processes for EconomicBenefits and Sustainability[I]243Reading Material: Clean Technologies through Microbial Processesfor Economic Benefits and Sustainability[II]247Unit 36 Text: Introduction to Green Chemical Syntheses and Processes251Reading Material: Water as Solvent for Organic and MaterialSynthesis255Unit 37 Text: Wastewater Treatment, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation andHydrogen Production Using Microalgae[I]259Reading Material: Wastewater Treatment, Greenhouse Gas Mitigationand Hydrogen Production Using Microalgae[II]263GLOSSARY268