国家环保总局 编著
Part A:Inaugural and Closing Sessions Address at International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Human Settlements in the Yangtze River Basin Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Technical Workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Statement at the Opening Ceremony of the Technical Workshop in Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the Technical Workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the Technical Workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the Technical Workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the Technical Workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlands in the Yangtze River Basin Address at Closing Ceremony of the Workshop on Integrated Management of Mountain Ecosystems in the Yangtze River Basin Part B:Contributed Papers Section Ⅰ.workshop on Renewable Energy Technology and Development of Human Settlements in the Yangtze River Basin Section Ⅱ.workshop on Restoration,Management and Multiple Use of Wetlan ……Part C:Background Paters