索尔·莱夫莫尔(Saul Levmore)分别于1978年和1980年获耶鲁大学经济学博士学位和法学博士学位,自2001年起担任哥伦比亚大学法学院院长,主要讲授侵权行为法、公共选择、商法以及合同法等。
I Torts and Bargains The Problem of Social Cost When Does the Rule of Liability Matter Consumption Theory,Production Theory,and Ideology in the Coase Theorem II The Rote of Fault Killing or Wounding to Protect a Property Interest Fairness and Utility in Tort Theory The Concept of Corrective Justice in Recent Theories of Tort Law Rethinking Comparative Law:Variety and Uniformity in Ancient and Modern Tort Law and the Economy in Nineteenth-Century America: A Reinterpretation Some Effects of Uncertainty on Compliance with Legal Standards III The Requirement of Causation Remarks on Causation and Liability Property,Wrongfulness,and the Duty to Compensate Probabilistic Recoveries,Restitution,and Recurring Wrongs Economic Loss in Tort Women,Mothers,and the Law of Fright: A History IV The Lawyer's Role Untaken Precautions Opting for the British Rule, or If Posner and Shavell Can't Remember A Market in Personal Injury Tort Clams V Liability Arising Out of the Workplace The Boundaries of Vicarious Liability:An Economic Analysis of the Scope of Employment Rule and Related Legal Doctrine Comment - The Creation of a Common - Law Rule:The Fellow - Servant Rule,1837-1860 Social Change and the Law of Industrial Accidents VI Omissions and Commissions Waiting for Rescue:An Essay on the Evolution and Incentive Structure of the Law of Affirmative Obligations A Lawyer's Primer on Feminist Theory and Tort The Case for a Duty to Rescue VII Tort Liability and Other Means of Social Control Property Rules,Liability Rules,and Inalienability:One View of the Cathedral A Critique of Economic and Sociological Theories of Social Control The Social Consequences of Common-Law Rules VIII Insurance,No-Fault,Products Liability ,and Tort Reform The Current Insurance Crisis and Modern Tort Law Incentive Issues in the Design of "No-Fault" Compensation Systems Proposals for Products Liability Reform:A Theoretical Synthesis Some Reflections on the Process of Tort Reform In the Shadow of the Legislature:The Common Law in the Age of the New Public Law
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