中华人民共和国国家统计局 中国统计出版社 (2004-09出版)
中华人民共和国国家统计局 编
I. International Statistical Yearbook 2004 is an annual comprehensive reference publicationon international economic and social statistics. It contains data from as much as 160 countries,regions and territories over the world. More detailed information on the economic and social devel-opment of over 40 countries and the key indicators of the world famous companies is also includedin the Yearbook. In order to make the international data being more comprehensible and enhance thereadability of this book, we added some colorized statistical graphs into this yearbook for the firsttime.II. The Yearbook contains the following 16 chapters: China in the World; Geography and Cli-mate; Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; National Accounts; Population; Employ-ment and Wages; Government Finance and Banking; Price Indices; Household Income and Expendi-ture and Poverty; Agriculture; Industry, Energy and Construction; Transportation and Communica-tion; External Trade and Tourism; Balance of Payments and External Debts; Education, Science andTechnology, Culture, Health and Military; Main Indicators of the 500 Largest Companies in theWorld.III. Data for most of the foreign countries/territories have been adjusted by international orga-nizations such as the United Nations, and the scope and coverage is therefore comparable.IV. The latest data for many countries are preliminary or estimated statistics.V. All data of China do not cover Taiwan Province, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR exceptdata for the surface area.VI. The data sources for foreign countries/territories include databases, CD-ROMs, yearbooksand monthly publications of international organizations. The sources of data are given at the top ofeach table in the Yearbook. Data for China are mainly taken from China Statistical Yearbook, whileChinese data from international organizations are footnoted and are used for reference.VII. Some aggregations or rates/ratios may not add up to the sum of the series because ofrounding.
一、中国在世界的地位1-1 中国主要经济社会指标的国际比较(2002年)1-2 中国主要指标居世界的位次1-3 中国农业主要产品产量居世界的位次1-4 中国工业主要产品产量居世界的位次二、地理和气象2-1 地球和地表2-2 世界各大洲海拔高度2-3 世界著名河流2-4 世界著名湖泊2-5 世界主要城市天气三、自然资源和环境保护3-1 国土面积与人口密度(2002年)3-2 土地利用3-3 能源储量(2000年)3-4 森林消失和淡水资源3-5 国家保护区面积和生物多样性3-6 能源消费3-7 世界主要城市空气污染状况主要统计指标解释四.国民经济核算4-1 国内生产总值(本币)4-2 国内生产总值(美元)4-3 国民总收入(本币)4-4 人均国民总收入(美元)4-5 按购买力平价法计算的国民经济核算主要指标(2002年)4-6 国内生产总值增长率4-7 人均国内生产总值增长率4-8 三次产业对国内生产总值增长的贡献4-9 资本形成总额、最终消费及净出口对国内生产总值增长的贡献4-10 资本形成总额占国内生产总值比重4-11 总储蓄和最终消费占国内生产总值比重4-12 国内生产总值构成4-13 生产法国内生产总值4-14 支出法国内生产总值4-15 收入法国内生产总值4-16 按行业分类的资本形成总额主要统计指标解释五、人口5-1 年中人口数5-2 人口性别和年龄构成(2002年)5-3 人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率5-4 生殖健康5-5 婴儿死亡率和平均预期寿命5-6 结婚率与离婚率5-7 城市人口比重5-8 农业人口比重主要统计指标解释六、就业和工资6-1 经济活动人口6-2 就业人数6-3 按三次产业分的就业构成6-4 按行业分类的就业人口6-5 失业人数6-6 失业率6-7 非农部门雇员工资及工时数6-8 制造业雇员工资及工时数6-9 劳动生产率6-10 罢工和停工(2002年)主要统计指标解释七、财政和金融7-1 中央政府财政收入及预算盈余/赤字占国内生产总值比重7-2 中央政府财政收入7-3 中央政府财政支出7-4 社会保障和福利7-5 公共养老金支出7-6 货币供应量7-7 年平均存款利率和贷款利率7-8 国库券利率和政府债券收益率7-9 货币汇率(年末中间价)7-10 道琼斯世界股票指数7-11 上市公司数和上市公司总市值占国内生产总值比重7-12 股票交易额占国内生产总值的比重及股票交易周转率主要统计指标解释八、价格指数8-1 国内生产总值缩减指数8-2 生产者价格和批发价格指数8-3 居民消费价格指数8-4 世界初级品和基本金属出口价格指数主要统计指标解释九、住户收支和贫困9-1 住户最终消费支出及增长率9-2 个人收入分配9-3 贫困线和贫困人口比重9-4 贫困人口社会指标9-5 住户收入及构成9-6 住户最终消费支出构成9-7 电视机、有线电视用户及个人计算机普及率9-8 人均每天食物热值、蛋白质和脂肪含量9-9 人均食物供应量(2001年)……附录