湖北省统计局、 国家统计局湖北调查总队 中国统计出版社 (2008-08出版)
2007年湖北省经济和社会发展统计公报湖北省第二次农业普查公报1 综合1-1 土地面积与行政区划1-2 市、州行政区划1-3 法人单位及产业活动单位数(2007)1-4 国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标1-5 国民经济和社会发展结构指标1-6 湖北国民经济占全国的比重(2007)1-7 全省人均国民经济主要指标1-8 湖北的一天1-9 主要年份地区生产总值1-10 主要年份地区生产总值指数(上年=100)1-11 主要年份地区生产总值指数(1952=100)1-12 主要年份地区生产总值构成1-13 地区生产总值项目结构(2007)1-14 按支出法计算的地区生产总值1-15 按支出法计算的地区生产总值指数1-16 按产业分资本形成总额1-17 三次产业贡献率1-18 三次产业拉动率1-19 市、州生产总值(2007)1-20 市、州生产总值指数(2007)1-21 市、州支出法生产总值(2()07)1-22 市、州民营经济增加值(2007)2 总人口2-1 总人口2-2 人口城乡构成2-3 全省人口自然变动2-4 全省市、州、县年底人口数(2007)3 就业与工资3-1 全社会从业人员数3-2 分行业城镇单位从业人员数(2007)……4 人民生活5 固定资产投资6 物价7 农业8 工业、能源9 建筑业10 交通运输、邮电11 国内贸易12 对外经济贸易和旅游13 财政、金融、保险14 科技、教育15 文化、体育、卫生、环保16 其他社会活动17 城市经济与建设18 企业景气及重点企业集团19 开发区主要经济指标20 武汉城市圈21 县域经济附录
版权页:插图:(1) New construction in general refers to newly constructed enterprises, institutions, administrative agencies or Independent projects from scratch. Construction in the existing enterprises, institutions or agencies is not considered as new construction. In case the assets of the existing unit is quite small, and the value of newly added fixed assets exceeds the original value of assets by three times, the expansion will be considered as new construction.(2) Expansion refers to construction of new major production workshop, branch factory or independent production line within a factory or in other locations, for the purpose of increasing the production capacity (or improving efficiency) of the original products. Newly constructed houses for the operation of institutions and administrative organizations (such as the newly constructed buildings for teaching in schools, buildings for clinics or wards in hospitals, etc.) are also classified as expansion.Also included in the expansion are investments by existing enterprises or institutions in building major production line(s) or branch factory(ies) along with some work on innovation, for the purpose of expending the production capacity of original products or producing new products.(3) Reconstruction refers to construction projects by existing enterprises or institutions in innovation or technical transformation of the old facilities (including auxiliary production equipment and welfare facilities). Also considered as reconstruction is the construction of new workshops by the existing enterprises or institutions to change the variety of products to meet the market demand (such as the production of civil products by,defeffce industries), or to bring the designed production capacity into full play through a more balanced production process on production lines. Technical transformation refers to replacement of old technology or equipment by new technology or equipment, in order to expand the reproduction through improvement of technology contents in production, to improve product quality, to promote new products, to save energy and reduce consumption and to improve overall social-economic efficiency. Contents of technical transforr0ation include: updating of machinery, equipment and tools; reforming production process by using energy or materials saving technology; construction of factory workshops and transformation of public facilities; improvement of working conditions and environment, etc.