

刘务林 刘务林 中国林业出版社 (1999-06出版)



刘务林 中国林业出版社 (1999-06出版)  








  Since the 19th century, many scientists and explorers from China and other countries have been trying to unveil the Chang Tang, a mysterious land, but failed so far. Due to its special physical environment of being cutting off, the Chang Tang is normally very difficult to access, which makes the Chang Tang miraculous. None of the mysteries in human history, geography, biology and atmosphere physics has been deciphered entirely, though great efforts have been made. Our ancestors left with us the nature historic heritage full ofquestions-a treasure place attracting more and more explorers who vie for the first one to  To unveil the mystery of the Chang Tang, you need not only knowledge but also courage and perseverance against challenges. Some one wrote: "Many brave explorers entered the hinterland of a beautiful,abundant and unpeopled place, but few returned alive. They died from lack of food, fuel or being lost in the wild. This place gave people an impression of horror and barrenness." Since 1980s, some explorers have braved the hardness of-30~C and half as much oxygen as on low plains, in order to protect the perfect nature and precious historic heritage of the Chang Tang. They went deep into each valley, desert and glacier, and made great achievements to China's science and nature conservation. Among the explorers  were aged and experienced scholars, new graduates, and foreign scholars from the other side of the Atlantic. Their hard work finally got rewarded: many nature enthusiasts were inspired by their research results.  For over a decade, these devotees have made a thorough investigation to species, numbers and distributions of the precious animals in the Chang Tang, and demarcated the second largest terrestrial wildlife reserve in the world. Their profound researches in ecology of Wild Yaks, Tibetan Antelopes and other  rare animals have filled many gaps in science, and resulted in a high praise of existence value of the precious species in the Chang Tang. Their arduous work not only contributed to science, but also facilitated establishment of the reserve, which was officially ratified by the government of Tibetan Autonomous  Region in 1993.  The book will dedicate to the world with the research results obtained by Mr. Liu and his colleagues in over ten year's surveys in the Chang Tang. It contains hundreds of precious pictures, which are expected to provide future explorers with valuable reference and to remain a glorious memory of its contributors.  Zeren Sangzhu  Vice Chairman of Tibetan Autonomous Region




序一 序二 前言 概述 历经沧桑话羌塘 羌塘的人类活动 羌塘的特殊自然地理环境 高原地貌 封闭的水系与星罗棋布的湖泊 丰富的地热资源 变幻莫测的气候 羌塘的植被 植被区系 植被类型 羌塘的野生动物 高原的哺乳动物 高原栖息的鸟类 高原的两栖、爬行动物和鱼类 昆虫和其它节肢动物 羌塘的自然环境保护 建立自然保护区 羌塘自然保护区的价值 期待 羌塘探秘记事 对羌塘野生动物价值认识的反思 保护羌塘的行动 附录 羌塘南、北部雪山冰川名录 羌塘东部地区雪山冰川名录 羌塘境内面积大于50km2的湖泊 羌塘主要湿地区域 羌塘种子植物名录 羌塘陆栖脊椎动物名录 羌塘鱼类 羌塘昆虫名录 羌塘其它节肢动物 参考文献 后记


版权页: 插图: 羌塘,藏语意为“北方空地”。由于地势高亢,生态环境特殊,历史上人迹罕至,被人们称为“无人区”。羌塘高原位于西藏自治区西北部,青海省西部,由北部的昆仑山—可可西里山,东部的唐古拉山,南部、西南部念青唐古拉山—冈底斯山脉所环绕成一个基本属于封闭型内流水系的陆地。其地理位置大致为北纬30°10′~36°30′,东经80°30′~93°00′(东羌塘自然保护区范围已划至东经94°04′),面积约70多万km2。目前,在西藏境内约30多万km2、青海省境内约5万km2的范围内,由于交通不便,冰川冻土,气候严酷,水源缺乏,植被稀疏,仍属于无人定居区,仅有少数游牧民季节性地在其边缘地带活动。 羌塘高原受大自然的独创,为世人所瞩目的“世界屋脊之屋脊”,构成了我国地势最高的一级台阶,平均海拔在5000m以上,其高原是一个具有独特生态系统的生态地理单元。由于她特殊的地理位置和气候条件,也是当今世界人类最后为数很少的一块未开发的处女地之一和缺乏深入研究的区域之一。 高原面上,山地坡度较平缓,山体浑圆,一般相对高差在200~600m之间。属低山丘陵与宽谷盆地相间的地貌类型。海拔在6000m以上的山峰多残存有冰帽冰川,但冰川作用不强。境内绝大部分是封闭型的内陆湖,湖泊周围拥有发育的、宽阔的湖漫滩或湖滨阶地。气候以干旱、寒冷、日照时间长、多风为特征,具有温带半干旱大陆性季风气候的性质,具由东南向西北更变的寒冷干旱。全年降水的85%以上多集中在6~9月,降水形式多为固体降水。在中国植物地理区划中属于青藏高原高寒植被区羌塘亚区。地带性植被为高寒草旬、高寒草原、荒漠化草原和冰缘植被。西部和北部植被多由青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)和垫状驼绒藜(Ceratoides compacta)形成了荒漠化草原植被,东部和南部多以紫花针茅(stipa purpurea)和雪灵芝(Arenaria sp.)组成的高寒草原为主。在中国动物地理区划中属于古北界、青藏区、羌塘高原亚区。动物以最适应严寒气候的高原特有种和古北界种类占优势,东洋界种在此几乎绝迹。 羌塘自然保护区根据其自然状况和人为社会活动,以及开发程度分别划为南北东3大块,即: (1)南部羌塘。以色林错(湖)、格仁错(湖)湖泊群为主体的申扎湿地自然保护区,总面积约4万km2。该地区俗称为南羌塘,人口密度相对较高,自然气候条件较好,牧业开发较早,有大面积的湿地、沼泽群体,是青藏高原特有水禽黑颈鹤等水鸟重要的夏季繁殖地区,野牦牛足迹已在30年前消失。 (2)北部羌塘。以扎加藏布和波仓藏布两条大河为南界的广大羌塘干旱、寒冷地区,被习惯称为羌塘高原荒漠特有动物自然保护区。总面积约247 120km2。该地区也称为北羌塘。人口密度十分稀少、绝对无人区就在该保护区内。迄今这里还保存着较原始的自然景观,保存着世界上最珍贵的野生生物群落,生活着独特的野生动物群体,如:野牦牛、藏羚、西藏野驴、藏原羚、盘羊、棕熊、藏狐、雪豹、赤麻鸭等野生动物和紫花针茅、羽柱针茅(Stipabasiplumosa)、嵩草(kobresia bellardii)、青藏苔草、垫状驼绒藜、昆仑蒿(Artemisiananschanica)等植物群落。 (3)东部羌塘。主要范围是在东昆仑山段南侧的可可西里山区和中国最大的河流长江的发源地区。相对而言有较丰富的降水量,淡水较多,植被类型除有北羌塘地区的特征外还有高寒草甸等植被类型,总体生物量较高。人口主要分布在东南部边缘,随季节不同人口进出较频繁。约有4万~5万km2的绝对无人区。野生动物种类与北羌塘基本相似,是藏羚在羌塘东部的主要繁殖区。该地区野生动物受人为干扰较为严重。 羌塘高原荒漠生物多样性自然保护区,是世界屋脊——青藏高原生态系统的典型代表,是地球上最大的、最奇异和最接近原始状态的。







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