谢锦忠 编
《丛生竹培育技术手册(英文版)》主要内容包括:Distribution of Bamboo Resources、Bamboo Resources in China、Bamboo Region between Yellow River and Yangtze River、Bamboo Region between Yangtze River and Nanling Range、Bamboo Region in South China、Bamboo Region in High Mountainous Region in Southwest China等等。
PREFACEChapter1 Distribution of Bamboo Resources1.1 Bamboo Resources in China1.1.1 Bamboo Region between Yellow River and Yangtze River1.1.2 Bamboo Region between Yangtze River and Nanling Range1.1.3 Bamboo Region in South China1.1.4 Bamboo Region in High Mountainous Region in Southwest China1.2 Bamboo Resources in the World1.2.1 Asia and Pacific Bamboo Region1.2.2 America Bamboo Region1.2.3 Africa Bamboo Region1.2.4 Europe and North America Introduced RegionChapter2 Biological Basis in Sympodial Bamboos Cultivation2.1 Characteristics and Functions2.1.1 Nutritious Components2.1.2 Reproductive Organ2.2 Growth Characteristics2.3 Growth and EnvironmentChapter3 Nursery Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos3.1 Nursery Site Preparation3.2 Nursery Season3.3 Nursery Techniques3.3.1 Raising with Seeds3.3.2 Raising with Branch Cutting3.3.3 Raising with Buried Culms3.3.4 Ground Layering3.4 Nursery ManagementChapter4 Afforestation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos4.1 Site Selection4.2 Site Preparation4.3 Planting Season4.4 Planting Methods4.4.1 Afforestation with Transferred Mother Culms4.4.2 Afforestation With Transferred Seedlings4.4.3 Afforestation with Buried Internodes or Branch Cutting4.4.4 Density of First PlantingChapter5 Seedling Cultivation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos5.1 Water Management5.2 Intercropping5.3 Weeding and Soil-loosening5.4 Fertilizing5.5 Keeping Shoots and Protecting Bamboos5.6 Pest and Disease ControlChapter6 Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos Stands6.1 Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Bamboo Shoot Stands6.1.1 Soil and Fertilizer Management6.1.2 Structure Adjustment6.1.3 Technique of Shoot Harvesting and Culm Retaining6.2 Managing Techniques of Sympodial Timber Sands (Pulp Stands)6.2.1 Soil and Fertilizer Management6.2.2 Structure Adjustment of Sympodial Bamboos Timber Stands6.2.3 Other Managerial Techniques of Sympodial Bamboos Timber StandsChapter7 Prevention and Control of Diseases and Insect Pests7.1 Main Diseases of Sympodial Bamboos7.1.1 Bamboo Culm Rust7.1.2 Balansia Take7.1.3 Sarocladium oryzae Sawada W. Gams et D. Hawks7.2 Major Insect Pests of Sympodial Bamboos7.2.1 Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer.7.2.2 Cyrtotrachelus longimamus Fabricius7.2.3 Hieroglyphus tonkinenis I. Bol7.2.4 Green Slug-caterpillars7.3 Prevention and Control of Insect Pests of Sympodial Bamboos7.3.1 Prevention and Control Strategies7.3.2 Methods of Disease Prevention and ControlChapter8 Techniques of Major Economical Sympodial Bamboos Species8.1 Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro8.1.1 Nursery Techniques8.1.2 Afforestation Techniques8.1.3 Nursery of Young Stands8.1.4 Management of Mature Stands8.2 Dendrocalamus oldhami(Munro) Keng f8.2.1 Nursery Techniques8.2.2 Afforestation Techniques8.2.3 Nursery of Young Stands8.2.4 Management of Mature Stands8.3 Bambusa textilis McClure8.3.1 Nursery Techniques8.3.2 Afforestation Techniques8.3.3 Nursery of Young Stands8.3.4 Nursery of Mature Stands8.4 Bambusa chungii McClure8.4.1 Nursery Techniques8.4.2 Afforestation Techniques8.4.3 Nursery of Young Stands8.4.4 Management of Mature Stands8.5 Bambusa pervariabilis McClure8.5.1 Nursery Techniques8.5.2 Afforestation Techniques8.5.3 Nursery of Young Stands and Management of Mature Stands8.6 Bambusa rigida Keng et Keng f.8.6.1 Nursery Techniques8.6.2 Afforestation Techniques8.6.3 Nursery of Young Stands and Management of Mature Stands8.7 Bambusa distegia (Keng et Keng f.)Chia et H. L. Fung8.7.1 Nursery Techniques8.7.2 Afforestation Techniques8.7.3 Nursery of Young Stands and Management of Mature StandsReferences